Prophet Adam

The first human

Prophet Ibrahim
  • In paradise. After some time, Ibliss goes to Adam and says "Oh Adam, can I show you the tree that if you eat from it you won't die. You won't die at all, you will have life forever... and you will have lots and lots of belongings that will never stop. You will own absolutely everything. You will have so much kingdom that it won't even finish"
  • So Adam turned to him
  • that is the mistake, you don't turn to Shaytan, ever
  • So Ibliss managed to get the ear of Adam, and Adam turned to him
  • Ibliss was very persistent, he kept trying over and over again
  • After some time Adam decided together with his wife that now let's just have a taste of it
  • "what are we going to lose? We have a taste... why? Because he now had forgotten that it was prohibited
  • We get this from the Qu'ran
  • It says "and we had already taken a promise from Adam before, but he forgot; and we found not in him determination SURAT TAHA (20:115)
  • And we had made a promise with Adam before, but he forgot about it. And we did not find him to be resolute
  • What is the meaning of "resolute"
  • He did not make a firm intention to sin and and to transgress against Allah
  • We found when he did what he did... it was not intentional, he made a mistake
  • So Allah says "they ate from that tree. And when they ate from the tree...
  • Allah says "And so their covering appeared to them, and they began to stick on themselves the leaves from paradise for their covering SURAT TAHA (20:121)
  • Immediately as they ate their private parts began to show
  • And they ran to the trees of Jannah, and the leaves from Jannah, and they tried to cover themselves
  • They were now full of shame, they were ashamed of their deed number one
  • And number two is, they had to cover themselves. And then Allah says beautifully in the Qur'an
  • "Then Adam received from his lord words, and He accepted His repentance" SURATUL AL-BAQARAH (2:37)

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