Him and his wife, they said "Our Lord! We have wronged ourselved.
if you do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers." (SURAT AL-A'RAF: 7;23)
The two of them said "Oh our master, we have oppressed ourselves, we have wronged
ourselves, and if you are not going to have mercy on us, if you are not going to forgive us,
we are going to be the losers Oh Allah, so forgive us Oh Allah"
And Allah says "we forgave him immediately"
Getting to the children of Adam, how did they come about? That's a question
Hawaa(may Peace be upon her) she gave birth twenty times
Each time, there was a boy and a girl, Subhan'Allah
They were of different colors, different shapes and sizes
in the sense that the looks were varying from one to the other, and so on
And at that time there had to be marriage, so how were they going to marry?
They had a different law, they had a different SHAREE'AH
So as the children grew, one of the oldest children was known as Qabil,
in the English language Cain
And the one younger than him was known as Habil, or Abel in the English language
We find some similarities in the previous revelations with what we also
have in Islam
So what were the difference between these two?
Cain was not so good looking, and Abel was very handsome
And the sister of Cain was very good looking, but she was born
from the same womb
So those two were what we call, "womb brothers and sisters." From the same womb
And when it came to Abel, he was very good looking, but his sister was not as good looking
Look at how looks affected them from the very beginning
So Adam instructed the two, when the time came. And Allah put in them
the inclination towards marriage and partnership and so on
So Adam says "You will marry the sister of this one, and this one will marry your sister"
So Cain, his sister was very good looking, he looked at this girl he is supposed to marry
And he says "She is not that good looking and why must I give my sister to this guy, why?"
"I don't want my sister to go to him, and I don't want to have his sister"
"I would rather have my own sister" he is saying
That was what went through his mind, and as a result it created a problem
Look at how marriage even today, creates problems between people
Imagine... from the beginning this happened
Cain was worried about looks
And he says "I am not going to marry her"
As the turbulence continued
They went to their father
The father heard about it, he was upset, he tried to explain to them.
And he made Du'a to Allah, and Allah showed him a way out