Prophet Hud (AS)
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Prophet Hud (AS)
The Original Arabs come from Yemen.. And they used to speak the Arabic language
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala sent to them a Prophet by the name of Hud he was an Arab
And sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was once speaking to Abu Huraira radi allahu ta'ala anhu..
And he was telling them about the Prophets and the Messengers
And then the Prophet Alayhi Salatu Wa Sallam said: From among the Prophets and the Messengers
There are four Prophets and Messenger who are Arab
And the Prophet Alayhi Salatu Wa Salam said: Hud was an Arab, Salih was an Arab,
Shu'ayb was an Arab and he told Abu Huraira.. And your Prophet is also an Arab
So from all the Prophets and Messengers being sent..
124,000 Prophets and Messengers.. There are four Arab Prophets
And what happened?
They were so happy because Allah gave them wealth, Allah gave them strength
And they began to indulge.. Over and above indulging
They forgot Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala abd they started worshipping things
Stones and items.. Shirk.. Engaging in Shirk. So let's listen to what Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says
Allahu Akbar "IRAM".. "THATIL IMAD" is referring to either the height of the people..
As though they were tall pillars.. "LAM YUKHLAQ MITHLUHA FEE BILAD"..
Like them were not created prior on land. Whoch means.. They were so huge
Allah says: We didn't make anyone like that before.. Number one
Number two is.. The homes they used to make were also huge.. Like large pillars
Like that there was never before on Earth. So both their stature.. Their structure
And what they used to make and build in terms of homes
And both of those are correct because for a tall person
You need a tall home with a ceiling that is very very high
Because he needs to be covered, he is not going to come bending into his home
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala after making mention of how they used to worship idols
Then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala makes mention of the story firsly in Surat Al A'Raf
And to the people of 'AAD we sent their brother Hud Alayhi Salam
Why does Allah say "AKAHUM"? Because he was from amongst them.. He was one of them
And this is why nearly all the nations that were sent Prophets
That Prophet was one from amongst them.. Whom they knew from the time he was born
So that they could not say; This is an outsider, he's a foreigner, he's a stranger and so on
They knew this person abd ge cane up and then he warned as a Messenger
And he was always known as truthful, and honesty and all the good qualities and so on
So Allah says; He says.. Hud Alayhi Salam said..
He told his people; O my people! Worship Allah alone...
Without associating partners.. For indeed there is no deity worty of worship,
No one.. None worthy of worship besides Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
You don't have anyone you can worship besides Allah
This shows us that the issue of polytheism and shirk
Is the prime issue that all the Prophets of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala dealt with
Because that was the trap of the Shaytaan, the biggest thing
He wanted to deviate man with.. Is the issue of..
Association of partnership with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
Then he would laugh at the man and he would laugh at Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
To say; You see.. I told you.. They won't worship you
They would either worship someone else or they will worship with you other things
So this is why.. All the Messengers.. You open the pages of the Qur'an.. They all said
You don't have anyone who is worthy of worship besides Him.. The One Who made you
Do you not fear? Do you not have any consciousness in you?
So what did they say?
First thing is first. The disbelievers and the horty
From amongst his community, they were all powerful people.. Wealthy
They began to say: You are foolish.. we see that you are a foolish man.. you're a fool
You are telling us not to indule.. What's wrong?
It's our wealth.. We are living.. It's our life
Let us do what we want with whatever we want.. And we will build as we want and do what we want
So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala says; They were also amazed
That how can a man come to us? If Allah wanted to send a Messenger.. He could have sent an Angel
Why did he have to send a human being?
And so this is why in Surat Al-Mu'minoon
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala makes mention of how they said..
This is just a human being like all of you. He eats whatever you people are eating...
And he drink whatever you are drinking.. There is no virtue for him over the others
And they continued saying...
If you are going to follow a human being just like you.. Then you will be losers
Look at how foolish the statement is
Now there is something important in this story of 'AAD
They debated a lot with Hud Alayhi Salam. And also...
They always went back to their cronies and their people.. And they began to tell them;
Look we told him this.. We said this.. We said that and he doesn't have an answer
Not that he doesn't have an answer.. Common sense is an answer
You know what else they said?
Is he promising you that when you die and you have become decomposed..
That you are then going to be resurrected? Far.. Very far is that which you are being promised?
It cannot be a reality. Imagine...
They are saying; How can he tell you that when you go down...
And you are going to be decomposed.. That you are going to come up?
My beloved brother and sisters.. The lesson I learn and you learn from this;
Sometimes we claim and we know.. We believe that we are going to be resurrected
But the way we operate in our lives... As though there is no Day of Judgement
The way we carry on with all our bad ways.. We never bat an eyelid sometimes
We never sit back to think.. But I am drinking, I am clubbing, I am comitting adultery
I have got all these bad habits, and at the same time..
I am claiming that there is life after death. How on Earth can that happen?
Then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala speaks about what else they said
They told each other look; This is just a life, enjoy it as much as you can
We are alive and we will die and that's it.. There is no Resurrection
We are not uttering anything except that some of our gods have caused this man to become mad
Because he has gone against our gods.. So the gods have become angry with him
These stones have become upset with him and therefor...
They have inflicted him with a mental disease and now he is a mental case
That's what they're saying. Why were all these statements? Let me tell you why
Because these rich wealthy people, who had lots, who were big, huge, no sickness
They were massive people, they used to dwell in huge dwellings
We're going to get to the types of dwellings they had
They were scared. That we are going to have to change...
Our whole lifestyle.. Because one man is telling us something
So rather than changing their lifestyle and securing the Hereafter
They decided to secure the worldly life and lose the Hereafter
So now they started saying; This man is a madman, and this man is like this and he is possessed
Only so that the others would not listen to him
Because if 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 people started listening.. He would start getting a base
And he would be able to attack, he would be able to become victorious over these