Prophet Moses (AS)


Prophet Ibrahim
  • Automatically he received a higher status
  • He was then known as 'Kalimullah'. The one whom Allah has spoken to directly
  • When he got close, he heard a call, O Moses! I am your Rabb! I am your Maker, I am the one who made you
  • So remove your shoes, you are indeed in this particular valley of Tuwa, which is very sacred
  • Immediately he removed his shoes
  • I have chosen you O Musa, so listen to what I am revealing to you
  • The first thing Allah says- Indeed! I am Allah! There is none worthy of worship besides me alone
  • So worship me alone. And establish your prayer
  • Indeed! The hour is a reality that is coming
  • And I have hidden it. - Allah SWT says
  • The knowledge of the hour is not known by anybody
  • So that I can recompense people in the proper manner for their deeds
  • O Moses! We want to know what is in your right hand
  • Now, Allah SWT knew this. Allah did not have to ask him that question
  • Allah SWT knew better than him what is in the right hand. But this is the discussion
  • Allah out of the love he had for Musa AS is asking him a question
  • What is that in your right hand
  • Now Musa AS he was now very very calm, collected and he was very very happy that he is speaking to Allah SWT
  • And him as well for a long long time, he was engaged in worshipping Allah alone
  • According to his forefathers, heading right back to Ya'qub AS and Ibrahim AS
  • And he followed properly the Oneness of Allah SWT, so he recognized that this message is very very correct
  • So Musa AS says...
  • O my Rabb! This is my stick. It's a stick that I hold
  • I lean on it Ya Allah! I use it as support
  • Allah didn't ask him; What do you use it for? Allah just said- What is in your right hand?
  • It was enough for him to say- It's a stick, but he decided
  • Let me now talk a little bit more, when am I going to get this chance again? Subhanallah!
  • And I use it in order to help me with my flock
  • So that I can pull down some branches and a little bit of the fodder to feed this flock and so on
  • And I guide the flock with the same stick
  • And I also use it for many other things, Ya Allah
  • Allah says- We instructed him; Throw it, O Musa! Throw it down!
  • When Musa threw that stick, that stick turned to become a massive snake that no human being had ever seen in their life
  • Allah says- When Musa AS saw the stick...
  • And he had seen as though it had life in it, and it was moving now
  • He immediately moved back. He wanted to run away
  • Immediately Allah calls him and says, 'Ya Musa Aqbil', O Musa come back
  • Don't fear, you are from amongst the believers
  • O Musa, go back to it and lift it up again; We will make it exactly as it was before
  • And as he is picking it up, it becomes a stick once again
  • Subhanallah! Now his Imaan is strengthened even more!
  • Place your hand at the side of your chest,
  • And Allah says- when you remove it; will be whiter than ever, without sickness
  • And Allah told him- take it out, he took it out, it was glowing like a light
  • And then Allah AWJ told him- O Musa, put it again. And then he took it out and it came back normal
  • Those two signs, they are the two things that you could use against Firawn and his people
  • They are from the Fasiqeen, they are the wrongdoers
  • I am sending you to Firawn, for indeed he is a tyrant, he is an opressor
  • He did not deny it, he says- O Allah, clear my chest for me,
  • Cure it for me, strengthen it for me
  • And Ya Allah, make my task easy for me,
  • And Ya Allah, my tongue; Make it clear
  • Unknot it, make it straight and clear, so that they can understand what I am saying
  • And Musa AS used to stutter, when he speaks; He stutters in speech
  • O Allah, I killed a man from them, so I fear that they might want to kill me as a result
  • He says- O Allah, my brother Haroon is much more eloquent than I am
  • So send him as a Prophet with me in order for him to confirm my message
  • I have a fear that they might belie me
  • So if you send Haroon, he will be more eloquent
  • And he will be able to convey the message in another way where they will be able to understand it even further
  • O Musa AS, firstly, we have granted you your wish regarding your brother
  • We will place on your shoulder the strength of your brother as you have requested
  • We will create an authority for you, so they won't be able to harm you
  • Which means; That issue you worried about [the outstanding matter],
  • Don't worry, we will create an authority for you, they won't be able to harm you
  • With our clear signs, Insha'Allah, you will be amongst the victorious
  • According to what Rasullullah SAW said-
  • The one who has done the biggest favor upon his own brother was the Prophet Musa AS
  • How?
  • He requested that he becomes a Prophet and as a result he became a Nabil. Subhanallah
  • O Musa, we have granted you many gifts
  • We have blessed you so many times from the beginning
  • When your mother had to put you down, from the beginning
  • When you were picked up by the family of Firawn, from the beginning
  • When this had happened in your upbringing, from the beginning
  • When you had killed someone, we saved you
  • Then you went to Madyan, this happened that happened
  • Allah says- We have done you so many favors, Ya Musa. We have indeed favored you
  • Both of you go to Firawn. For indeed, he has transgressed beyond limits
  • Speak to him with soft and kind words. Very very politely
  • So that he can actually think, he can remember, he can be reminded, and he can be fearful
  • They said- O our Lord, we are scared that once we approach him and stand before him he would want to kill us
  • Me and him are two people and this man has a great army
  • So Allah SWT, what did he respond back to Musa?
  • Don't be afraid, I'm with you, I listen and I see
  • Go both of you to Firawn and tell him that we are the Messengers of our Lord Allah SWT
  • And we command you to send Bani Isra'il with us
  • Don't persecute them, you went to way overboard in persecuting and punishing Bani Isra'il
  • And we have verses from Allah, we have verses and miracles to show you from Allah
  • And peace be upon those who follow the right guidance or the right path
  • Now Musa AS and Haroon will go to Firawn
  • And then the conversation and dialogue starts between him and Firawn in which Musa AS will start and say
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