Prophet Noah
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Prophet Nuh (AS)
They wanted to carry on in their ways. So look what they said
The chiefs from amonst the people, who was talking?
Those who had authority, those who had power, those who had wealth
Those who had respect in society, they spoke,
They said; You are astray. This man is astray... Don't listen to him
He answered:
He said; Oh my people, I am not astray, I am a Messenger from the Lord of the Worlds
I am only conveying unto you the messages of my own Rabb
And I am giving you advice... Naseeha... Sound advice I am delivering to you
So don't hold it against me, don't call me a madman
Weight what I am saying and if it makes sense, and it will definitely make sense...
If you are ready to ponder over it then follow it
So a few people started following him. Who?
Very few... After so many years... 1 person. After so many years... Another person
Subhan'Allah... And yet he was a Nabi of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
And the rest of them... They followed the horty
They followed those who had money, they followed those who had authority
They followed those who had dignity in society
And they had given dignity to those who had material wealth
Why do we say this? Because Allah speaks about this in the Quran
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala says this... Allah says in Surat Hud... Allah says....
Those horty, those who were high, those who were in control,
They had controlled all the people and they told Nuh Alayhi Salatu Wa Salam:
We see you as a human being just like us. So they told him; You are just a human being like us
And look at those who are following you... Look at them
They are the worst from amongst us, they have got no material standing at all
Nobody respects them in society, they are foolish
They haven't even thought before they followed you
They don't even know what's about to come in their direction
As though they are threatening to boycott these people... Imagine
So who followed? Those who were downtrodden
So this was the excuse... They said:
We see these people are all weak
We don't see any virtue for you over us... In fact we consider you liars. You're a liar!
What virtue do you have over us? You're just like us...
You have got eyes and ears and hands and everything just like us
You're a human being... There is no virtue. This was the excuse
Of the people of Nuh Alayhi Salatu Wa Sallam.
So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
Makes mention of that in Surat Hud... And this is why he told his people
O my people! Listen... Listen very carefully. What if Allah has granted me signs,
Clear proof, clear evidence... Are you going to consider it?
And what if Allah has given me mercy and has had mercy upon me
Which you are blinded from. You cannot see
You need to open your eyes and see what I am saying... Turn to Allah
O my people! I am not going to ask any recompense from you
I don't want money for what I am teaching you, I don't want any wealth
Nuh Alayhi Salam made it very clear, I not only don't get a salary from you
But I don't want it. I am not asking for a penny of a cent
My reward is with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
And this is why he could say...
Whatever he wanted to... he uttered the truth
He didn't mind and he knew he had the assistance of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
So they told him: Ok, we are ready to accept
(They had a private meeting)
They said we are ready to accept on condition: That you see... Those who have followed you
They are all poorpers, when we are going to come and sit with those poorpers
And everyone is going to look at us and say: Look the top and the bottom...
They are now mixing. That is not going to happen
So get rid of them... Tell them: That you guys... You move out
We got some more important people who are coming to accept the guidance
So what did Nuh Alayhi Salatu Wa Salam say?
I am never going to chase those who have believed. I can't chase them
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala knows their level, and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala knows their condition
I am not going to chase them at all.
He says...
O my people! If I chase them away... Who is going to help me...
When Allah His Wrath and His anger descend on me? Who is going to assist me?
Against Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala if I chase away the believers
He had a response for everything they said...
He had a response for everything they said
Allah makes mention of it here.
They say: Should we believe in you...
When all these useless people have accepted your message