Prophet Noah
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Prophet Nuh (AS)
There is a difference between us and them... Kick them out!
He says: O my people!
I don't know their hearts
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala knows their deeds and their hearts
How can I block goodness from them solely because they don't have much materially?
Allahu'Akbar! I am a warner and I will warn clearly...
And this warning will come... Now they got upset... They were upset
For how many years did this last? Not ten years, not a hundred years, ,
Not two hundred years, not three hundred years, no more...
And we sent Nuh (Noah may peace be upon him) to his people...
He dwelt within them calling them towards goodness
For a thousand years less fifty. Which means nine hundred and fifty years
He spoke to them, he called them
He instructed them, he tried with them
He answered all their questions... Now they started getting frustrated
A few hundred years down the line they started frustrating Nuh Alayhi Salatu Wa Salam
Up to now it was a discussion, it was a debate, now they wanted to begin to threaten
They say: O Nuh! Keep quiet! If you're not going to keep quiet...
We are going to stone you to death. Look at these threats... Look at these threats
If you don't keep quiet... We're going to stone you. Allahu'Akbar
What did Nuh Alayhi Salam do? He knew Allah was with him
Not a day did he raise his hands to say: O Allah, destroy them
He kept on saying: O Allah, guide my people. O Allah, guide my people
O Allah guide these people.
He kept on saying it
He was patient... He was patient for a long long time
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala makes mention of how patient he was with his people
Even though they started calling him names
They said: This man is mad, he is mental, and they said: This man is possessed
He has a Jinn in him... Leave him for some time he will come normal
He has got a problem, he has got a Jinn
Imagine, they are speaking from the very beginning
He told his people as the verse is in Surat Hud
O my people! I am not telling you that I am an Angel
And I am not telling you that I own the treasures of the Earth
And I am not saying that by following me you will become loaded
And I don't know the unseen, so don't come and ask me what's behind the wall
And don't come and ask me: What are these people going to have tomorrow?
I am not claiming to know the unseen. And O my people
Not only do I not claim to know the unseen, but don't think that I am going to
Chase away those whom your eyes look down upon
Going back to the same point... Look at how many times it's repeated in the Quran
Then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala speaks about how...
They calle him mad...
Allah says...
They have belied the Prophet Nuh before and they have rejected the message
Of one of our worshippers...
My worshipper they have belied
And they called him mad, and they rebuked him
They swore him, they mocked at him, they tortured him
They engaged in all forms of evil, but he was still saying: O Allah, guide my people
Then there came a time when Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
Says it was the final straw... These people came to Nuh Alayhi Salam and they said
They said: O Nuh! You have debated with us, you have argued with us
And you have prolonged that debate promising us that some punishment is going to come to us
Some punishment is going to come to us... You kept saying that
Bring that punishment... We want it now, if you are truthful come let's see it
Imagine, they're asking for the punishment. Allahu' Akbar
So Nuh Alayhi Salam although he was patient for many many years
Many nmany years (Nine hundred and fifty years)'
Do you know what happened?
Finally he raised his hands
Allah told him that I know... No one is going to believe anymore... That's it
Whatever has believed... That's it.
If you tried for another thousand years... That's it
No one else is going to believe. So now Nuh Alayhi Salam gave up hope
He did not give up hope because he doesn't want to give Dawah anymore...
No... Because Allah had told him that no one else is going to believe
That's it... That's the truth. Means there is no more other space, it came from Allah
Since that's the case... Nuh Alayhi Salam in his wisdom and intelligence
He said: Well then there is no use for all these idol worshippers to remain on Earth
If they stay... They are going to delude their children and their childrens children
And they are going to fill the Earth with corruption and all of that stuff
So then he made his famous Dua
Which means: Nuh Alayhi Salam said: O my Lord, do not leave a single disbeliever...
On the face of the Earth again. don't leave them alive
If you leave them alive on the face of the Earth they will lead your servants astray
And they will not give birth to anyone except aeeogant boastful disbelievers
You see there are disbelievers, but they're not very arrogant
When they know Islam they believe, but the type of people Nuh Alayhi Salam had
After nine hundred fifty years... Not only did they develop disbelief
This was not just normal disbelief, this was arrogant, boastful, challenging disbelief of knowing the truth
There is a verse that brings tears to the eyes. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala says...
Speaking about Nuh Alayhi Salam that he went through so much
He went through so much turbulence, so much patience
That only a handful of people accepted his message in nine hundred and fifty years
Imagine... The narration makes mention of eighty people
If we say; Eighty people in nine hundred and fifty years... You can work it out
In a hundred years... How many? One or two. Alahu' Akbar... Allahu' Akbar
So after that patience enduring he raises his hands. Allah says...
Nuh Alayhi Salam called out to us... We responded immediately to our worshipper
Allahu' Akbar... Allahu' Akbar. We are the best of those who respond! Allah says
So if any of us has endured a lot remember. The day you raise your hand it will come immediately
Allah says: We want you, O Nuh, to create or to make an ark
We want you to build an ark... Amazing verse
Nuh Alayhi Salam was not a carpenter, he was not a builder
He didn't know anything about building. And Allah says... We want you to do something
We will help you. we will guide you, we will be watching, and we will instruct you what to do
So what happened?
The tree would grow, he would cut it down...
Take it to the top of the mountain, because Allah instructed him to build...
That ark at the top of the mountain and when he took it and laid it there...
He was granted nails and he would nail on into the other
When he went back there was another tree ready for him
He would cut it down and bring it... When he brought it...
It would fit like a jigsaw with the other one and he would nail it in
Amazing... And his people...
Everytime the chiefs, the big boys in community, when they passed him...
They used to laugh at him
You have now become a carpenter
We are seeing you
You used to be a Prophet... You stopped calling us atleast
But now you're becoming a carpenter, but we want to give you a piece of advice
Scoffing at him... They said: You want to build an ark or a ship
You would rather do it on the coast. Because how are you going to take it...
From here to there... Is a Jinn going to come and carry you all the way there?
And he kept quiet...
He says...
You want to laugh at us today don't worry
A day is going to come when we will be laughing at you
Nuh Alayhi Salatu Wa Salam... The Prophet Noah may peace be upon him
It is reported that... That ark... Now what I am about to say now...
Allah knows best. We have got it in a narration that he was taken from the people of the book
As I explained yesterday...
The Israeli narrations...
And the Quran neither agrees with it nor rejects it, so we're just making mention of it
They say the ship or the ark was nine hundred meters long
Now the people were also very tall, remember we spoke about them being eighteen meters tall
So it was nine hundred meters long and it was one hundred and fifty meters wide
And ninety meters high. because it was more like a submarine
He covered the top as well... It was not a ship with the top opened, it was covered as well
More like a submarine... Ready to go. And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala...
Taught Nuh how to build this state of the art piece only by him coming back
Cutting the tree and it fits... Coming back, cutting the tree and it fits...
Imagine what must have happened... Subhan'Allah... Subhan'Allah
So here Nuh Alayhi Salatu Wa Salam was now ready
It is reported... Also another Israeli narration. That it took almost a hundred years to build that Ark
Allah knows best.
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala told Nuh Alayhi Salam... He gave him a sign
When that sign takes place take you, and your family, and your followers
And from every... From every animal different genders; Male and female
And go into the Ark.
And Nuh Alayhi Salam waited for that sign
And that sign is: Where Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala said...
The old oven... The old oven that they used to use, if you back in one of the old towns in the middle east,
Those old ovens where you insert timber inside and they use it for bread
Allah Azzawajal said: When water starts to come out of the oven
Then that's the sign for you to go to the Ark. And Nuh Alayhi Salam waited for that sign
And one day water exploded out of the oven, so Nuh knew it's time