Prophet Nuh (AS)


Prophet Ibrahim
  • He called upon his followers and went to the Ark
    And in front of the Ark...
  • All the animals from the different genders were waiting in line to enter the Ark
  • Subhan'Allah... Rahma. Allah His miracles
  • From every animal; Male and female was waiting outside the Ark
  • So Nuh Alayhi Salam went with eighty of his followers and his family and his wife
  • And Nuh was married to a wife before but she was a Kafir
  • She used to be from the non believers. Nuh had a non believing wife... She passed away...
  • Then Allah Azzawajal gave him a believing wife. And he had four boys
  • He had; Ham, Sam, Yafith and Kan'an. Three of those; Sam, Ham, Yafith were Muslims...
  • And Kan'an was a nonbeliever.
    So now what happened?
  • The ark is moving... Being guided by Allah through waves which are like mountains
  • And Nuh Alayhi Salam is looking out as they're closing this thing here
  • And he sees his son... And his son did not want to be with him
  • So his father says...
  • Nuh Alayhi Salam calls out to his son... Saying: O my son, come and ride with us
  • Don't be with the disbelievers... come... come into the Ark
  • And his answer was as follows
  • He says: O my father, don't worry. I am a mountain climber
  • I am going to climb the mountain and it will save me from the water
  • Where ever have you heard that the floods have reached the top of the mountains?
  • No... I will climb the top, don't worry my dad.
    And Allah says: Nuh Alayhi Salam answered him
  • O my son, I want to tell you today, there is no saviour from the water
  • From anyone besides the one whom Allah has had mercy upon. So come o my son
  • As the discussion was pursuing... A huge wave cane and he was drowned
  • Then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala says:
    When it had stopped
  • Nuh Alayhi Salam called out to Allah. He says...
  • O my Rabb! My son was part of my family, you promised me that you would save my family
  • O Rabb, you are the One Who decides. He didn't question
  • Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala his decree, but he wanted to understand
  • So Allah says...
  • Oh Nuh, he was not from your family, he had done deeds
  • That were very very impure, unacceptable, rejected, he was a criminal in other words
  • He is not a member of your family. From this we learn...
  • That the bond of Shahada is far stronger than the bond of blood
  • When it comes to the pleasure of Allah... We will have to seek that first
  • Even if we earn the displeasure of someone in the process who happens to be a family member
  • And if we want to please a family member in the displeasure of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
  • We won't do that. Because we don't want to earn the wrath of Allah Sunhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
  • Very important.... And on top of that
  • Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala says: He was not from your family. Amazing
  • Look how powerful the word is. Yet biologically he was
  • May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala grant us a deep understanding
  • So then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala says: Imagine, I would like to make mention of a verse
  • Where Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala is describing the water
  • Imagine it came from the bottom and it came from the top
  • Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala says in Suratul Qamar
  • We opened the doors of the skies! Completely! With water that poured down
  • On top of that Allah says: We didn't wait there. To ensure destruction was total
  • We let the Earth gush its water... So it came out so much
  • That it was enough to flood them with only the water on the Earth but,
  • The water of the sky and the water of the Earth met at a distinct point that Allah wanted it to meet
  • Imagine. Take a tennis ball and put it into a bucket and immerse it right in
  • And think: If that was the Earth... What has happened
  • Allahu'Akbar. Allah is saying: It didn't only rain, but we instructed whatever the Earth was holding
  • In terms of water... To get out. So all the water in the Earth came out
  • On the land and it came up... It rose so high and the water from the top came down
  • And the two waters met. Allahu Akbar
  • Look at this... This is such a vivid description in Suratul Qamar
  • Then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala says: As for the Ark... We guided it... We guided it,
  • It went through with our guidance. And then...
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