Prophet Noah
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Prophet Nuh (AS)
He called upon his followers and went to the Ark
And in front of the Ark...
All the animals from the different genders were waiting in line to enter the Ark
Subhan'Allah... Rahma. Allah His miracles
From every animal; Male and female was waiting outside the Ark
So Nuh Alayhi Salam went with eighty of his followers and his family and his wife
And Nuh was married to a wife before but she was a Kafir
She used to be from the non believers. Nuh had a non believing wife... She passed away...
Then Allah Azzawajal gave him a believing wife. And he had four boys
He had; Ham, Sam, Yafith and Kan'an. Three of those; Sam, Ham, Yafith were Muslims...
And Kan'an was a nonbeliever.
So now what happened?
The ark is moving... Being guided by Allah through waves which are like mountains
And Nuh Alayhi Salam is looking out as they're closing this thing here
And he sees his son... And his son did not want to be with him
So his father says...
Nuh Alayhi Salam calls out to his son... Saying: O my son, come and ride with us
Don't be with the disbelievers... come... come into the Ark
And his answer was as follows
He says: O my father, don't worry. I am a mountain climber
I am going to climb the mountain and it will save me from the water
Where ever have you heard that the floods have reached the top of the mountains?
No... I will climb the top, don't worry my dad.
And Allah says: Nuh Alayhi Salam answered him
O my son, I want to tell you today, there is no saviour from the water
From anyone besides the one whom Allah has had mercy upon. So come o my son
As the discussion was pursuing... A huge wave cane and he was drowned
Then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala says:
When it had stopped
Nuh Alayhi Salam called out to Allah. He says...
O my Rabb! My son was part of my family, you promised me that you would save my family
O Rabb, you are the One Who decides. He didn't question
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala his decree, but he wanted to understand
So Allah says...
Oh Nuh, he was not from your family, he had done deeds
That were very very impure, unacceptable, rejected, he was a criminal in other words
He is not a member of your family. From this we learn...
That the bond of Shahada is far stronger than the bond of blood
When it comes to the pleasure of Allah... We will have to seek that first
Even if we earn the displeasure of someone in the process who happens to be a family member
And if we want to please a family member in the displeasure of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
We won't do that. Because we don't want to earn the wrath of Allah Sunhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
Very important.... And on top of that
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala says: He was not from your family. Amazing
Look how powerful the word is. Yet biologically he was
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala grant us a deep understanding
So then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala says: Imagine, I would like to make mention of a verse
Where Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala is describing the water
Imagine it came from the bottom and it came from the top
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala says in Suratul Qamar
We opened the doors of the skies! Completely! With water that poured down
On top of that Allah says: We didn't wait there. To ensure destruction was total
We let the Earth gush its water... So it came out so much
That it was enough to flood them with only the water on the Earth but,
The water of the sky and the water of the Earth met at a distinct point that Allah wanted it to meet
Imagine. Take a tennis ball and put it into a bucket and immerse it right in
And think: If that was the Earth... What has happened
Allahu'Akbar. Allah is saying: It didn't only rain, but we instructed whatever the Earth was holding
In terms of water... To get out. So all the water in the Earth came out
On the land and it came up... It rose so high and the water from the top came down
And the two waters met. Allahu Akbar
Look at this... This is such a vivid description in Suratul Qamar
Then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala says: As for the Ark... We guided it... We guided it,
It went through with our guidance. And then...