Chapter 14

page 102

Jason was seated on the cement floor next to the fence as he tightened the belt around his pants. Christy was standing adjacent to where Jason seated, she gently began to pat down her head and fix up her ponytail as she dipped her finger inside the Lip Medex, and took out some Blistex and applied it on both her lips. No expression was on her face as she was doing that. I turned my head and looked over to her. She was mumbling to herself, I couldn’t hear what she was saying. Christy was sucking her teeth at the same time that she was rubbing the Blistex on her lips.

I reached over with my hand to dig my finger in the small blue Blistex container. Christy then drew her hand back as I reached.

            “No!” She said, then she turned around and began walking.

I ran behind her and held on to her right shoulder blade.

            “Where are you going?” I ask her.

She shrugs her shoulder and slaps my hand away.

            “I’m going back to class Jason!” She said as she continued to walk, her hands were clenched into fists as they were by her side.

            “Why?” I said to her.

Christy then turned around to face me. She straightened both her knees and walked in front of my face.

            “LEAVE ME ALONE YOU STUPID UGLY BOY!” She yelled out.

I kept running behind her. “What---what’s wrong?” I asked her.

She stopped walking and drew her face in close to mines.

            “Jason HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?” She asked me.

            “How could you do me like that?” She added.

            “JASON I’M NOT THAT TYPE OF GIRL!” She yelled as she brought her face in closer to mines and started to smack her open palms on my stomach and chest.

I drew my head back and put my hands up to stop her blows.

Okay… I never said you was, damn! you tripping!”

Then she exhaled really fast, she starts breathing out of her mouth and her entire face turns red as she continues to stare at me.

She then slaps my chest again, I barely felt the blows. Normally I would try to deflect them away. But they were so weak that I didn’t even bother.

I HATE YOU!” She says as she continues to slap my chest.

I stared at her and begin to lift my hand up and slowly back away.

That’s real mature Christy!” I said as both of my arms were raised to block off her slaps.

How could you do that to me Jason? HOW COULD YOU!” She screams as tears begin to well up in her eyes.

I’m sorry!” I said to her as both of us stood outside the door at the back of the building.

She doesn’t say anything. She swings the door open and hurriedly enters the building and begins walking fast. I followed behind her. We were now in the main gym, not the one where Mr. Bulk teaches his class, but the main one where all the events at the school are held. There were chairs placed standing up on the floor aligned vertically, there were maybe a hundred or so chairs all in the middle of the gym floor. The school was going to have some kind of meeting tonight, in which the parents would come in to the gym and sit down, and the principal or some of the teachers would have a discussion with them.

Christy pushed the chairs to the side as she kept walking. Her lips were perked up.

YOUNG LADY, PLEASE WATCH THOSE CHAIRS!” Yelled out the janitor guy from across the gym.

Christy didn’t say anything, she only kept walking as her fists were still clenched to her sides.

Christy I’m sorry! Idk what came over me. Please just stop walking and talk to me.” I said to her.

Christy kept walking for a few seconds, and then she stopped and exhaled deeply. I could see the smoke rising from above her head. She then turned around and began to walk towards me. I hold my hand out and slowly back away.

Jason, what you just did. The way you just treated me, tells me exactly how you feel about me. I don’t wanna look at you, hear you, see you, I just wanna be ALONE!” She said.

But looking at me and seeing me is the same thing though.” I said.

Christy then shakes her head lightly to the side as she frowns. Then she turns back around and starts walking again.

Wait!” I call out to her as I hold my hand out.

She then opens up the door and walks out of the gym. I’m left standing there staring at the door.

What’s her problem? I say to myself.

It must be that time of the month again, I think to myself as I start walking out the gym, through the same door that Christy walked out.

As I enter the hallway on the second floor, I start walking back to Ms. Senkow’s class. Then I started thinking about Christy and the way she was acting. Why was she tripping like that? It’s not even a big deal. Maybe she is…

I stop walking as my mouth opens up. The dream… The train tracks… Christy was pregnant! She wasn’t now though, why, what happened? I tried thinking back some more about the dream but my thoughts could only go so far back. I only remember bits and pieces, but it seems that as the days progresses, my memory about the dream increases.

There was still a lot that I didn’t know. There was still a lot that I had to find out. And I knew exactly where to go to get the answers that I needed. I’ll have to go find Abdul, because he was the only one with me at the train tracks. For some reason, I just knew that there was something that he knew, and it pertains to me, but he’s not telling me for some reason. I’m gonna have to go back to that train track, that’s where he always goes to smoke.

BRO LEMME HEAR SOME BARS!” Darrel said as he clasped his arms on my shoulder.

Bro you don’t got class?” I asked him.

Yeah I’m going back there now, I just had to go the bathroom right quick, lemme hear some bars though!” Darrel said.

I stopped walking and held my hand out. “I said…”

Uh uh!” Darrel said as he bent his head down and drew his ears close to me.

I coughed to clear my throat. Then I held out my hand again.

My money’s long…” I said.

What else?” Darrel said as he placed his elbows on my shoulders.

I give a long pause as my hand is held out. Darrel lifts his head and looks at me to see if I’m going to finish.

I got you bro, I said… ‘my money’s long’” I say as I extend my arm out again.

Darrel begins to nod his head up and down as his elbow is placed on my shoulder.

What else bro?” Darrel says.

Bro you not listening. I said….. ‘MY MONEY’S LONG!’”

Darrel has his arms placed on my shoulders as he is listening attentively.

Nah matterfact bro, I said… “My favorite color is lavender”.

Come on!” Darrel says as he begins to clap his hands.

I go out looking for money, like a scavenger.” I said.

WHAT ELSE!” Darrel says as he begins clapping louder and faster.

If your girl gotta fat butt and she’s cute in the face then me and one of my friends is going to SANDWICH HER!”

Darrel begins running forward as his hand is on top of his head. Then he falls flat on the floor with his back and spreads his arms out. I begin to erupt in laughter as I stare at him.


I carefully placed my hand on the doorknob and turned lightly then I stepped back into Ms. Senkow’s room.

“ This means they have not yet been assigned a certain function within the body…” Ms. Senkow continued to say to the class.

All eyes were fixed on her as she stood in front of the room, next to the Smart Board.

I quietly walked over to my table. Jerry was back. He was sitting down, and to my amazement… He was actually paying attention! Jerry had his eyes on Ms. Senkow as she gave her lecture. He did not even notice me as I sat down with him at the table.

Why’d you have to go to the office?” I ask him.

Jerry gave a short pause as his eyes were still on Ms. Senkow. Then he reaches over with his head.

Had to go talk to Doc about about my detentions.” He said.

Doc is the assistant principal for the school. He’s an elderly, burly, Caucasian man. He’s bald and he has glasses, but everybody likes him. Even though Doc may not be the most hip, or have the most “swagg”. He is known for his leniency and empathy.

What about you. Where you coming from?” He asks me.

Then I begin thinking about my experience with Christy, how she yelled at me and started tripping for no reason.

Nothing.” I say as I put my head down.

Then I pull out my phone from my pocket and begin to compose a message to Christy.

I’m sorry.” I say in the text, then I send it.

I wait a couple seconds, then about a minute or so and she still doesn’t reply. I then draw out my phone and text her again.

I miss you.” I type then send it.

Then I open back up my phone after a couple seconds. Still no reply.

I love you.” I type and send to her.

I lock my phone and put it back in my pockets. After about 30-seconds goes by I reach back in my pocket and draw it back out. Still no reply.

I quickly put my phone back in my pocket.

SHE OUTTA POCKET!” I said to Jerry.

Though I didn’t say who I was referring to, he already knew as he turned his neck to me and began to smile.

What happened?” He asked me.

I wanted to tell him about Christy, and the way that she was acting, by ignoring me, by not responding to my texts, by being weird. I wanted to tell him, but I knew… Christy did not do no wrong. Her behavior was completely justifiable. She has every right to act like that. It’s me who wronged her. It’s me who messed up and did bad. I sunk my head and put it down in my arms more. Then I pulled out my phone and went to Christy’s Facebook profile. Then I went to her gallery and began to view her pictures. She had one selfie in which I clicked on. It was a picture of her in the bathroom, she had on her towel and her hair was wrapped up in a bun. I stared at her face, her smile. Then I compared it to how her face was when we were just outside. It was the exact opposite. I turned my head slightly to the side and I looked at the clock that was on the wall. “9:35am”. 25 minutes left, and then class will be over and we can go to our next block. I knew what I had to do.

Pssshhh… brruuhhh…” Jerry whispered to me.

Wassup bro?” I said to him.

Bro, I just wanted to tell you.” Jerry said to me as he leaned his head over.

You look like Kunta Kinte.” He whispered to me.

I laughed lightly and begin to smile. “Bro keep it a bean…” I said.

You look like a Mexican pitbull.” I said.

Keep it a bean you look like Android 19 off Dragon Ball Z.” I added.

Keep it a bean bro you look like 12:30am.” Jerry said to me.

I erupt in loud laughter, the entire class turns to look at me.

Boys, please!” Says Ms. Senkow.

I APOLOGIZE MS. SENKOW!” Jerry yells out.

Please excuse me for my friend’s obnoxious behavior, he’s heavily intoxicated right now that’s why.” He adds.

The entire class begins laughing.


At 10:00am the bell rang, letting everybody know that it was time to go to the next block. I got up from the table, just like everybody else and I begin to head out. But it wasn’t to my next class that I was going to. I walked around the school. There was a police station right there at the back, not where I was at earlier where the fence is positioned. This was a little bit farther back. It was a bright sunny day. I crouched down and dug my hand in the dirt and starter scurrying with my hand. I found a few yellow dandelions in a small garden, I picked some out, about four or five. I then ran back in the building. I had to rush, I knew that I wouldn’t have a lot of time. I quickly ran to the elevator and pushed the button and waited. There were a couple other people who was also standing there with me waiting for the elevator. I then turned around and started running up the stairwell to the third floor.

Once I was at the third floor, I ran straight forward, made a right, then I ran straight forward again and made another right.

Christy’s next class was going to be “Economics” in room 3250. She only has two classes a day, not including Lunch, and then she’s done. Since she performed really well last semester in her classes, this semester she got only two classes and then Lunch, and then she can leave afterwards. She was going to her second class for the day, which is Economics. I went through her phone and I rummaged through some papers in her room and I found out her full class schedule.

There were only about 12 people in her class. I saw all of them walking in the classroom, and Christy was right behind them, holding her books up against her chest as she walked in. I ran up to her and grabbed her arm.

Jason, what are you doing?” She said.

I’M SORRY!” I say as I wrap my hands around her arm tighter.

Christy frees up her arm then she turns around and begins walking again.

I have to go to class Jason.” She said.

I stand there and watch her as she trudges into the classroom.

Christy…” I say as I extend my hand out.

Her head disappears in the classroom.

Christy…” I say again.

I stare at the doorway, as tears begin to well up in my eyes.

CHRISTY!” I yell louder.

After a few second, Christy sticks her head out and I see her long black pony-tail.

Yes…?” She says to me.

Please… baby please!” I said.

A few teachers begin to come out the classroom, along with some students, they all crowd around Jason and Christy.

What’s going on here, both of you get back to class!” Says one of the teachers.

I ignored him and I continued to stare at Christy.

I then begin to walk to her. Then I handed her the small little dandelions that I was holding in my hand. She grabs them and slowly draws them up to her nose.

Aaawww.” She says.

I then grab her free hand and look her in the eye.

Christy, you was right, I was wrong. I’m sorry, I will never do that again.” I say.

Then I reach down with my head and lightly give her a peck on the cheek.

AAAWWW!” Some of the female students who are crowded around us begin to say.

Then I put my finger on her chin and gaze into her eyes.

Te Quiero Mucho.” I said to her.

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