“Ima be hungry though that’s what I’m saying, me and my moms been planning to go for months now, I ain’t trying just call it quits now and tell her we gotta reschedule.”
“Oh my God, ard, forget it boy.” Christy said as she folded her arms and turned her head and began walking the opposite way. Everything I had told her was a complete LIE. No, me and my mom was not going out to eat tomorrow, no I’m not going to be busy, but I was going to be hungry though. I had a really high metabolism. I could eat an entire table and not gain a single pound, it was very strange indeed. I was very energetic though and exercised a lot, perhaps that was the reason I was unable to gain any sufficient weight after eating a lot.
“Wait…” I said to Christy as she walked slowly past me the opposite direction. She still continued to walk, she had not heard me calling to her. “COME HERE, WOMAN!” I said much louder this time. Instantly Christy stopped moving and turned her head towards me.
“Excuse me?” She said.
“Come here woman, I have to tell you something of dear importance.” I said to Christy
She stared at me strangely. Then a wide smile spread across her face. Then she slowly trudged back towards my direction, “Yes Masser.” She said dully as she dropped her gaze while standing in front of me.
I immediately burst out laughing and a wide smile spread across my face. Now that was pretty funny, her response definitely caught me by surprise as I was not expecting that. She gave a soft chuckle in response to my sudden outburst of laughter, I could tell that she also found the situation to be very comical. That was again another reason I liked her so much. She often always caught me by surprise with her responses, and that was very appealing to me for some reason.
“I’ma be hungry, you gotta promise to make me some Mexican rice with chicken.” I said to Christy. Indeed I was going to be very hungry, as I always was. Christy was African-American, but I think either her birth mother or father is from Puerto Rico and she was mixed with a bit of Spanish. One could instantly tell by looking at her light skinned skin complexion that she was mixed with some form of Spanish race. I knew she was familiar with the Mexican rice in which I was talking about. I have tried out the Mexican rice prior to that day and I absolutely loved it. Tis was a combination of rice, which I already loved due to my African heritage, and chicken, which was my favorite type of meat, and together it was soaked in a certain type of spicy sauce which greatly complemented the rice and chicken, it was indeed an orgasm in your mouth if I might say.
“Oh my God yes boy Ima cook for you, I’ll even make you some soft shell tacos and I’ll give you some ginger ale.”
“I don’t really like soda though, you got any orange juice or apple juice?” I asked Christy.
“I got apple juice, it’s kinda warm though, I gotta put it in the fridge today when I go home, make sure to remind me.”
I stared at her bleakly with a blank expression on my face. “How the hell Ima remind you?” I asked Christy.
“Boy call me tonight, Ima give you my number.” Christy replied.
My heart skipped a beat. I could not believe what I was hearing. This was all that I wanted, for me and Christy to have this kind of relationship. Was this even possible? Inside of my heart and mind a nuclear missile of wondrous joy had gone off, but on the outside of my face I was completely expressionless and nonchalant as ever.
“Eew, I don’t want your number.”
“LUNCH IS OVER! YOU BOTH NEED TO GO TO CLASS!” Hollered to me one of the lunchroom staff as she was turning up the volume on her walkie talkie, all of the staff and teachers possessed one of these. I think maybe it was like regulations or something for them to have it.
“OK WE’RE COMING!” I hollered back to her. She nodded and walked to the exit door.
“So you gon do it?” Christy asked me bleary eyed with much anxiety.
“Yeah yeah whatever, just make sure to have that rice with chicken cooked nice for me when I get there.”
“YESS! THANK YOU SO MUCH!” Christy leapt forward and gave me a huge hug to show her appreciation. She smelled so good. I can still smell it onto this day. It was the smell of spring time weather and Febreeze air freshner, tis was very refreshing indeed. I didn’t want her to let go of me ever, I wished she could hug me forever. Alas, all good things must come to an end. The hug only lasted about 20 seconds, then she let go of me and asked me for my phone.
“For what?” I asked in awe.
“Boy so I can put my number in there dunce.” She said as she flicked me on the head, letting me know that I was empty headed, or stupid. I took out my iPhone 4s and gave it to Christy to lock her number in. As she was in the process of putting her number in my phone I still stood there, staring at her with an emotionless face. I could still smell the scent of her long black hair when she hugged me, it was a refreshing fragrance indeed.
“Just don’t look at the pictures, I got some explicit ones in there.” I said.
Christy gave a soft chuckle and smiled faintly, then she handed me the phone back as she was done. I took it from her.
“You saw the pictures?” I asked Christy.
“No, why would I look at them if you told me not to?” Christy looked at me bleary eyed and quickly took a gaze at the exit door. “Ok well, we need to dip before that lady come back in and start asking more questions.” Christy said, she feared that we were staying in the cafeteria for far too long and we needed to leave before the staff lady comes back and gets suspicious of us.
“Yeah you right, come on lets go.” I quickly said to Christy. Then me and her walked towards the exit door and left the cafeteria together.