I turned around slightly and laid down on my sides. Then I adjusted the phone in my ears, I wanted to be more comfortable whilst lying down.
“So what you wanna talk about boo?” I said to Christy.
“Boy stop playing with me, I ain’t your ‘boo’” She said.
“How come you ain’t?” I asked Christy. I wanted to know the reason why she didn’t consider her to be my boo, and I know she like me… I think.
“Don’t you gotta girlfriend? Wasn’t you telling me that at lunch today boy?” Christy asked me.
I paused for a moment. I didn’t want to say the wrong thing to Christy to turn her off. I wanted to say the right thing that will make her inclined towards me and want to be with me.
“I don’t recall.” I said to her.
Christy snickered lightly. “Oh it must have slipped your mind?” She asked me.
“Uhh… yeah.” I said to her
“I don’t know what you take me for boy.” Christy said.
“But I’m definitely not going to be one of your ‘hoochie-mamas’” She said.
I laughed out loud. “Hoochie-mamas though?” I said.
“Where in heaven’s name did you derive that term from?” I asked her.
She brushed off my question. “Whatever Jason, that’s not important, all I’m saying is I’m not going to be one of your gardening tools.” She said to me.
I laughed out loud. “Wow, where do you be getting these terms from? You can be so very descriptive at times you know that, that’s part of the reason why I love you.” I probably shouldn’t have said that I quickly thought to myself.
Christy didn’t say anything, she became quiet. “Don’t try to sweet talk me Jason…” She said.
“Ain’t nobody trying sweet talk you girl! I’m just telling you how it is.” I said to her. I was lying of course. I had to sweet talk my way into her heart, even if it involved lying, that was the only way that she would be my girl and love me. Sometimes in life, you have to lie to get what you want. I just wanted Christy to be my girl because of her beauty, long hair, fat butt, pretty smile and that’s it. I really didn’t care about the type of person that she is inside. Even though I could tell by her personality and how she communicates with me that her personality is actually really good, she’s smart, she can cook, and she has a really nice laugh. Overall, she seems like a pretty nice girl.
“Tell me how it is then.” She said.
I smiled. “Chill!” I said to her.” If I confide my emotions to you than who knows what you could do with that information. I don’t want you to use it against me and hurt me.” I said to Christy, while sounding like a seven year old boy.
Christy burst out laughing. “Shut up! Just tell me, I promise I won’t hurt you.” Christy said.
I held out my pinky finger, “Do you pinkie promise?” I said to her in a soft voice, while maintain the voice of a seven year old boy.
“Yeah I pinky promise, now tell me.” She said.
I thought for a moment. “Idk what you want me to tell you though…” I said to her.
“I want you to confide to me and tell me all of your emotional secrets, that’s what I want.” Christy said to me.
I smiled. “Emotional secrets about what exactly?” I asked her.
Christy gave a loud sigh. “Boy stop playing dumb, you know what I’m talking about.” She said.
I knew exactly what she was talking about, but I wanted for her to come out and say it.
“I have no knowledge about what you are talking about.” I said to Christy.
Christy scoffed at me, then she sucked her lips. “You gon try to act dumb?” She asked me.
I laughed lightly. “I’m not acting dumb, I just really don’t know what you are talking about, what emotional secrets?” I asked her.
Christy scoffed again, louder this time, and then she finally came out and said it. “About me, emotional secrets about me!” She finally said,
I paused for a moment, I have to play my cards right. I was able to coerce her and force her to come out and say what I already knew that she wanted to say, I wondered what else I could force her to say? I have to keep playing dumb, that’s the only way that I’m going to be able to get to her.
“Idk what you’re talking about.” I said to her.
“I do not have any emotional secrets about you.” I said again. I was lying of course.
“I think that you are a great person, and I think that you have a nice laugh. Perhaps you could be a bit more specific as to what you want me to tell you exactly?” I said to her. That wasn’t entirely a lie, I mean I did think that she was a great person with an amazing personality, and I definitely liked her laugh.
She didn’t say anything. “Why you always gotta play?” Christy asked me.
I laughed. “I’m not playing.” I said to her, even though I was.
Christy gave a heavy sigh. “Whatever boy, just drop it.” She said.
I didn’t want for us to drop it, I just wanted to keep the act going on to see where it was going to lead.
“Naw wait…” I said while half snickering.
“I think I do know what you’re talking about… I’m just…” I said to her. My heart was beginning to race, perhaps it was time for me to tell her the truth, perhaps…
“I’m just too shy to tell you keep it a bean” I finally said to her, finally I was being honest with Christy.
“Aww… Shy for what?” She asked me.
I started feeling… awkward. It was a strange feeling that I had in the pit of my stomach, I didn’t quite know what it was, but whatever that feeling was, I have never in my life felt it before. I didn’t want to tell Christy everything, even though I knew if I probably told her then she would go head over heels for me, because for some reason females like it when boys get all emotional and gushy, but that wasn’t me, there are just some things that a man has to keep to themselves. Christy would never be able to understand that, because she was a girl.
“Ima tell you tomorrow when I come over, I don’t like talking about this type of stuff over the phone, somebody might be listening, the government be having our phones tapped.” I said.
Christy burst out in laughter. “Why? We’re just talking, why can’t you just tell me now?” Christy asked me.
Because I don’t trust you, you might be a pig. Was what I wanted to say.
“So how’s the weather outside?” Instead I asked her. “I heard it was snowing earlier, is it still coming down?” I said.
“Don’t try to change the subject. Get back to the topic of discussion boy. Why can’t you tell me now?” She asked me.
I crunched up my face. My tactic to divert her attention from the topic of discussion failed.
“What you want me to tell you?” I said to her.
“Tell me how you feel… about me.” She said.
I thought for a moment. “YES MOM! NO I’M ON THE PHONE!” I bellowed over the phone, lying, I had to think of another tactic to divert her attention from the topic of discussion.
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