Chapter 9

page 59

I began to head for the door. I didn’t know how I managed to get out of that situation, but I knew that I had done the right thing. I managed to fight my temptations; the only thing that kept me going was the remembrance of Christy’s soft laugh that reverberated in my head, and last night when my father told me that he was proud of me. I became nostalgic after I pulled off from Violet and began walking to the door. For some reason, even though my father wasn’t there watching me I didn’t want to do something that will disappoint him in any way. I was going to tell him later on today when I got home what had happened between me and Violet, and how I was able to leave her after I was tempted to go all the way with her, I knew if I told him he was going to be proud of me! He would be so happy for me, my desire for my father’s happiness was stronger than the desire that I had for Violet.

“JASON! COME BACK!” Violet said, her knees were still planted on the carpeted floor. Her mouth was dripping with saliva as she called out to Jason, she could still taste him. No one has ever managed to escape her before. She thought that maybe if she managed to seduce him than Jason will want to stay with her, but she thought wrong, Jason was leaving, he didn’t even manage to look back at her, he just kept walking.

As soon as Jason heard Violet’s voice calling out to him that is when he began to run towards the door. He didn’t want to stay in that room alone with her anymore, he didn’t want to hear her voice, see her face, he just wanted to leave. The angel looking figure was following behind him as Jason ran out the door and headed for the elevator. He was not able to see the demon looking figure, it had completely vanished. The only one that was there was the angel looking figure and the light had reappeared again, this time it was emanating from the head of the angel looking figure as it was following him. But it was not running with Jason, rather it was flying. The wings that outstretched from its shoulders were flapping slowly.

I didn’t bother to look at my surroundings; I didn’t bother to look at all the kids in the hallway who were now staring at me as I was running towards the elevator. When I first came up to the fourth floor a few minutes ago the entire hallway was empty, nobody was there. Now it was jam packed with random kids walking.

I got into the elevator that was going down and I pushed for the 2nd floor, which was the main floor in which people could leave or enter the building. I wanted to take the stairs but I was afraid that Violet might find a way to catch up to me and draw me back to her; I didn’t want to take any chances.

As soon as the elevator arrived to the second floor I got out and began to head for the main exit out the building. I could see all of the kids were now leaving the cafeteria and going to their fourth period class. Oh ok, that’s what it must be! I thought to myself. The reason why nobody was on the fourth floor when I first got up there was because all of the kids were at lunch, lunch was now over, which would explain why the fourth floor hallways were now packed with kids, because they were all heading to their fourth period class.

I was not going to go to fourth period, I was going to leave; I couldn’t stay there anymore. But first before I left there was something that I had to do. I looked around, and then I saw him with the rest of the kids coming out of the cafeteria.

“YO BRO!” I called out to my friend as I ran towards him.

Jerry looked at me for a few seconds, he could see that I was panting and the little bit of sweat that was dripping from my forehead.

“You good?” Jerry asked me. He wanted to know if I was okay. I didn’t have time to explain to him. I quickly reached in my back pocket and pulled out $12.

“Give this to Joe when you see him, I gotta dip!” I said to him as I handed him the money. I was not able to find Joe so I gave Jerry the money that I was supposed to give to Joe and I told him to give it to him for me, and then I told him that I was going to leave.

Jerry looked at the money that I just handed him, he stared at it for a few seconds, as if he had never seen money before. I looked at his pupils, they were heavily dilated, Jerry was still high. I quickly took the money back from his hands, “Never mind bro, I’ll call you later.” I said to Jerry, and then I began to run towards the exit door.

As soon as I walked out of the building I pulled out my phone, then I looked at the address of Christy’s house that she texted to me last night. The address wasn’t that far from the school, it was only about a 25 minute walk, but I wasn’t going to walk. If I ran then I can make it there in 10-15 minutes tops! I decided to run, I had to get to Christy no matter what, I had to see her, I had to hear her voice.

I crossed the street and I began to run. There weren’t a lot of cars in the street, but I still decided to run on the sidewalk, even though I knew that if I ran in the street or close to it then I could make better time and possibly get to her house quicker, but I didn’t want to risk it, because what if a car appeared from out the blue and hit me? Or even worse, what if a truck, a 16 wheeler truck? Maybe I could survive a car hitting me on the street, but there was no way that I could survive a head on collision with a truck. So I just chose to run on the sidewalk, better safe than sorry!

Christy lived at a regular house just like I did, it was white, it had to huge windows in the front, I’m sure that there were some windows in the back as well but I was not able to see it. There was a mildly mowed lawn in the front with some flowers growing from out of it and a complete green pasture. I thought about maybe picking out one of the flowers and giving it to her, but I quickly dismissed the thought, there was a more important thing at hand that I had to do. I had to see her; I had to be with her.

I ran up to the front door and rang the doorbell and stood at the side of the doorway. I rang the bell again since no one answered the first time. Then I rang the bell again, still no answer. I was beginning to think that maybe nobody was home and I only wasted my time coming here. I rang the bell one final time, still no answer. I sunk my head in disappointment and turned around and started to walk back. Then the door slowly swung open. I turned my head around to get a better look. When I saw that the door was opening I ran back to the front steps.

Christy was standing there; she had her long black hair tied up. She was wearing an all black T-Shirt with blue letters that read “SUGAR-PLUMS”, with Nike sweatpants. She had just woken up. I looked at her in amazement, like I’ve never seen her before.

She began to rub her eyes with her right fingers to get the sleep from out of them, and then she saw me. “Jason, wha…—”, I embraced her before she could finish her sentence.

I held on to her for a few seconds, I didn’t want to let her go. I gripped her tight. Then I kissed her hair. Afterwards I withdrew her from me and I stared at her in her eyes, she stared at me back.

“What’s wrong, what happened?” She said.

I wrapped my arm around her head and embraced her again. This time she embraced me back. Idk whether or not she embraced me because she wanted to, or because she knew that something had happened and I needed her right now, I really didn’t care, I just cared that she was there, and I was there with her, and we were together.

I drew back from her and looked at her in her eyes.

“Jason what happened?” She softly asked me.

I then reached over to her with my head and kissed her.

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