As soon as Jason laid down on his bed in his room he pulled out his phone and texted Christy. He just arrived home from “the library”. He never got a chance to finish smoking his blunt from earlier at Christy’s house, so he blew the rest on his way home. He also had to stop at the corner store around his block and buy some Oreos for Ceclia, to replace the ones that he stole earlier from her room the previous day.
Jason walked in her room, without knocking, he opened the door and threw the three Oreo packets on top of her bed. She was in the middle of watching a show on TV, when she felt the Oreo packets land on her bed she turned her head away from the TV and looked at them.
“What’s this?” She said as she gazed upon them.
Jason didn’t feel like explaining as to how those Oreos were a form of collateral reconciliation from the previous day when he stole from her. He didn’t think she would understand, or he didn’t want for her to know that he betrayed her trust and stole Oreos from her room.
“Just take them and eat it, I love you.” Jason said and then he closed her door and began to head to his room.
He fell on his bed and closed his eyes, a few seconds later he pulled out his Samsung Galaxy Note III from his back pocket, he texted Christy and put the phone to the side of his bed, and then he closed his eyes. He knew Christy was going to see that text and she would smile. The way that she would smile. The sound of her laugh, the way he made her face lit up when she screamed and called him “daddy”. He loved everything about her. It was only going to be a few minutes and then Christy would respond to the text. The sunsetting of the sky made it very auspicious for him and Christy to have a conversation, it left a long strip of orange line across the horizon, it could not be seen out to civilians who reside in the city area like Jason, but to those who were out in the open land and sea shore side, it was definitely visible to them.
Jason started thinking that perhaps he shouldn’t have just bolted out of school like that after he had that encounter with Violet. There were a thousand other ways that he could’ve handled it without having to run out. Bulk or Mr. Spica weren’t really going to give Jason a hard time about not showing up to class, so he wasn’t really worried about that. What Jason was more concerned about was Darwin. He knew that his football coach wasn’t going to be happy about him not showing up to practice. The match that they lost over the weekend was one that they should’ve won with no troubles, rather they lost, and they lost bad. Whenever they lose a game, the next practice that they had Darwin would work the entire team very hard, and they would do many drills, the extreme practice routine was a form of expiation for the loss that the team suffered. Jason didn’t care, as long as he got away from “crazy Violet” and he got to spend time with his wife, that’s all that matters. His thoughts drifted off to Christy and he started thinking about her again. He still knew that he wasn’t officially married to Christy yet, but he couldn’t wait until he was. He wanted to get her a ring. It wasn’t going to be a real diamond ring of course, but he wanted to get her something, to symbolize the extreme love that he had for her.
When he came in the house he also walked to his dad in the kitchen and he told her that he can go over Christy’s house tomorrow and talk to her mom, about their marriage. Jason still couldn’t believe that it was really going to happen. He didn’t know how on earth that is possible but he didn’t care, he just knew that’s what he wanted and it had to happen.
“Oldhead you can come over tomorrow around 6 to talk to her mom.” Jason said to his dad as he walked in the kitchen.
His dad looked at him. “That’s great Jason okay, did you just go talk to her?” His father asked him.
Jason remembered that before he left his house his father told him not to go to Christy’s house, and he told him that he was going to go to the library. He knew that he had to stick to his story.
“Naw, I didn’t go to her house, I called her while I was in the library.” Jason said to his father.
His father nodded his head towards Jason. “Her mom is going to be home tomorrow and I can go talk to her?” His father asked him.
“Yeah that’s what she said.” Jason replied to his father.
His father then told him to make sure to not be alone with Christy or talk to her until he has a conversation with her mother. His father told him that he knows someplace where he can take us to for us to get married, in the Masjid where he goes to. Since me and Christy are both still considered to be adolescence it technically would not be legal for us to get married in this country. But the marriage is going to be religiously valid, and we are going to have a marriage contract. That’s all that Jason wanted, that marriage contract. A physical proof that will have both of their names on it which will say that they are married.
His phone vibrated, it had to be from Christy. He quickly leaned over with her hand and picked it up. He turned on the screen of his phone and he read the text.
“It was some gas right?” The text read.
It was not from Christy, Jason looked closer at the name of the sender of the text. It was from Joe. He sent the text. Joe was asking Jason about the dime bag that he gave him earlier today, he wanted to know his opinion of it and if he thought that it was good or not.
Earlier, after he smoked the dime bag in Christy’s basement, all that it made him want to do was watch Christy dancing and have sex with her. So the only effect that it had on him was stimulation on his sexual impulses, but did it get him high? Jason started thinking back… While he was smoking, and he told Christy to start dancing, and then he began playing with “it”, and he had his tongue down her throat, Jason was definitely high. But it was hard to tell if he was high from the marijuana, or high off Christy’s love. He certainly hoped for the latter.
“Lemme get some more tomorrow?” Jason replied to the text and hit “Send”.
He was asking Joe for him to give him some more tomorrow. He knew that he was going to go to Christy’s house tomorrow and he would need it. While he’s over her house, he’s going to pull out the dime bag and make Christy see it, and then he’s going to tell her that he’s going to go out and smoke. And when Christy tries to say something to him to try to tell him not to go smoke, he would then get in her face and tell her to not tell him what to do. Jason liked it when that happened, that was a big turn on for him.
A few seconds later a text came to his phone, most likely it was from Joe, Jason opened the message. “Call me.” The text read. Why would Joe want Jason to call him? That would be pretty gay, Jason looked closer to the text, it was not from Joe. The text was from Christy.
Immediately Jason lifted his head up from laying down on the bed and he began to call Christy. She picked up on the first ring.
“Hello,” her soft voice came on the other end of the line.
“I miss you boo.” Jason said.
Christy gave a light sigh. “Mhmm…” She said.
“Oh, you don’t miss me?” I said to her.
“Boy, I miss you a little bit.” Christy said.
“Why don’t you miss me a lot?” I asked her.
There was a short pause. “Anyways…” She said. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing, just got home laying down thinking about this one girl.” I said.
“What girl?” Christy asked me.
“This one girl, she’s short, and got black hair, and she stink.” I said to her while smiling on the phone.
Christy gave a short laugh in response.
“I love her though, she’s my baby.” I added.
“Aww…” Christly softly said over the phone. She was standing in the middle of her kitchen after she put the water bottle in the fridge that she drank from. She then began to walk out of the kitchen and head upstairs to her room.
Christy began to climb up the stairs heading into her room. “Does she love you back?” She asked Jason over the phone.
“Umm… I don’t really know.” Jason said.
“Why don’t you know?” Christy asked Jason.
“Because… she’s weird, she be having mixed emotions for me.” Jason said to her.
Christy erupted in laughter. “BOY SHUT UP!” She said to him.
Crystal Angela heard Christy laughing out loud and talking to somebody on the phone as Christy walked by her room upstairs to go into her room. Who could she be talking to? Why did she not know about it? And more importantly, why was she laughing?