Chapter 11

page 74

Christy entered her room and laid down on her bed. She turned off the lights and laid her head down on the pillow, then she placed the phone close to her ears.

“What you getting ready to do?” Jason asked Christy. He was asking her what she was doing or what she was getting ready to do.

“Just lay here, I’m mad bored.” Christy replied.

“You coming to school tomorrow?” Jason asked Christy.

“Yeah, you?” Christy answered.

“Yeah. Your mom is gon be at home tomorrow right?” Jason asked her. He had to make sure that her mom is going to be home tomorrow so that his dad could talk to Christy’s mom, so they can get the marriage process started. That’s all that Jason could think about. He was just waiting for that certificate or paper that states that him and Christy were married.

“She’s going at work tomorrow morning around 8am, but she’s coming back around 6pm, why?” She asked.

“Oh okay. I was just asking because my father wanted to talk to her about us getting married and what we can do.” He said.

There was a pause on the phone, Christy didn’t say anything for a few seconds.

“Jason… really?” She finally asked.

“Really what?” I answered her back.
There was another short pause. “You really… want… to marry me?” She asked.

That was a pretty dumb question to ask, he thought. Jason didn’t respond. He twisted his face and narrowed his eyes a bit.

“Did you really just ask me that?” Jason said to her.

“Yes boy, I was just asking…” Christy said.

“Why are you so stupid?” Jason cut her off and calmly asked her.

“No, I was just asking because…”

“Let me tell you something okay, listen close and be very attentive.” Jason said to her as he sat up from his bed. He wanted to make sure that he was sitting up properly so that he could say to Christy all that he had to.

“Listen, I love you okay. I want to marry you. I want you, and only you. I’m always thinking about you, I don’t know why. I go to sleep, you’re the last one that I think about, I wake up and you’re the first one that I think about. It’s you that I want to be with, YOU YOU YOU! I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life. If you don’t want to do this then please tell me so that I can tell my dad and call it off, so that we won’t waste his time. But if you’re ready to stop playing games and do this then let me know!” I said to her.

There was a short pause. Christy didn’t say anything. I could hear tiny bits of sniffles on the other end of her line. Christy was crying.

“Well…?” I said.

Christy did not respond. I could still hear her sniffling.

“WELL?” I asked her, louder this time.

“Yes… Jason.” Christy’s soft voice appeared on the phone after a brief pause.

Jason began to grin. He knew all the right things to say and the right words to use in order to get into Christy’s head. But there was one more thing that she had a habit of that he did not like.

“Yes… yes what?” He asked her.

Christy smacked her lips. “Boy I said yes!”

“What’s my name?” Jason asked her.

She smacked her lips again and started laughing. “Your name Jason Olawaleay or something, you got that crazy African last name.” She said amid her laughter.

“Stop playing with me, I’m not even laughing, what’s my name? I’m not gonna ask you again?” I said to her.

Christy gave a heavy sigh. “JASON …” she said.

I was not able to hear the rest, she began mumbling after she said “Jason”.

I did not reply or say anything. I stayed there on the line with a straight face and waited for her to finish.

“Are you done?” I asked her.

“Boy done what?” She asked me.

“Are you done playing games and acting like a three-year-old?” I said to her.

Christy began to snicker and giggle. “How am I acting like a three-year old?” She asked me.

I ignored her question. She started to annoy and bother me. I was not in the mood for it.

“Tell me what my name is or I’m gonna hang up and go to sleep and never talk to you again.” I calmly said to her.

“Daddy.” She quietly said.

“Say it again Christy, I’m not playing with you.” I said to her.

Christy gave a loud sigh. “Omg boy I said daddy damn!” She said.

“Mhm, don’t ever forget who I am.” I said to her.

“Yeah, you’re an ugly monster.” She said under her breath. I didn’t quite hear her though.

“Could you please say that again good fellow?” I asked her.

Christy began laughing. “I didn’t say nothing boo, what you doing daddy?” She said.

I must train her. Christy is the type of girl that must be trained in order for her act to get right. Sure it was going to be hard, it’s not going to be an easy task in the least, but it would be something that I would have to do, if I want to keep her around forever. I really liked Christy, I love everything about her, her laugh, her smile, her voice, her body. But I would not want to keep a girl that doesn’t know how to act right or has an impulsive attitude. I’ve seen it before. I had many friends in the past who would allow their girlfriends to just walk over them and talk to them and treat them anyway that they wanted to, I do not want that with Christy, I want something different with her. Because if I have her, yet she’s rude and don’t know how to act, then it would be kind of defeating the purpose of us being together. I love you and I am married to you because you make me happy, but if you’re constantly doing things that displease ne then…

“We need to talk.” I said to her.

Christy chuckled lightly. “About what Jason?”

“I’m not laughing! This is not a joke!” I yelled to her.

“Okay boy I’m not laughing either, say what you gotta say damn!” She said.

I sighed. “I don’t like the way you be acting, your attitude and persona needs to be reformed, real rap!” I said to her in a serious tone.

She didn’t say anything, but I could hear her breathing,

“There’s nothing wrong with the way that I be acting JASON!” She said.

I didn’t say anything, I waited for a few seconds. “Look… Christy, I’m not playing.” I said.

“I don’t like your little stuck up attitude and your bratty persona, and you don’t be doing what I tell you to do, I don’t like that!” I said.

“Oh well… I don’t have to do everything that you tell me to.” She said.

“Yes you will! Or I’ma kill you I swear! Look, are you stupid? Do you know what this is? You’ve agreed to be my wife okay, so now you belong to me. You will treat me with respect! You will honor me! You will go out of your way for me, and if you fail to do that then I will kill you.” I said to her.

She didn’t say anything there was a pause. “Boy… you are crazy!” She finally said.

I didn’t say anything. I remained silent and waited for her to finish saying what she was going to say.

She didn’t continue. “Ok….. and…??” I said.

She smiled a little bit and gave a short laugh. “Nothing Jason, okay, okay.” She said.

“Okay… Okay what?” I asked her.

“Boy okay to what you just said damn!” Christy said.

“And what did I just say?” I asked her.

She sighed and began to pout her lips. “About how my behavior needs to be reformed.” She said.

“Okay, and are you going to allow me to train you so that your disrespectful behavior can change?” I asked her.

Christy paused for a few seconds, and then she quietly said. “Yes… boy… you can train me.” She said.

I shook my head slowly up and down. “This is good, we’re making progress. Slowly but surely! I want you to know something…” I said to her.

I started acting as if I’m crying and there were sob noises in between my words. “No matter how bleak this road may appear. No matter how hard things may get. I will never give up on you okay. This is not a caravan of despair.” My sobbing noises increased in volume.

Christy erupted in laughter. “I CAN’T STAND YOU!” She said as she continued laughing.

I then put on a straight face and said to her seriously over the phone. “On some real talk though, you gotta work on something.” I said to her.

“Mhmm… and exactly what would it be that I have to work on?” She said, as she stopped laughing.

“I don’t like the way that you be addressing me, stop calling me ‘Jason’, that’s my slave name.” I said to her.

Christy gave a short loud laugh. “So what you want me to call you?” She said.

“You know what you have to call me.” I said to her.

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