Chapter 11

page 75

Christy snickered lightly again, and then she adjusted her position slightly on the bed. She was now laying down on her back while her glass purple iPhone case was tucked under her neck. She allowed all her black hair to spread across the bed. Her bed was wide, the sheets were white, and her body small and curled up. 

As she laid her head flat down on the surface of the bed, she glared up at the ceiling, she saw nothing but constellations. Stars on her ceiling, but not just any type of stars, these were different stars. These were more, they meant more. Jason meant more. The stars were now forming his face. The sound of the collision of the planets with the stars then resembled his voice. The sound of his voice… the authority… his tone. Christy loved it when he told her to shut up, and she loved it when he told her to call him daddy. And the way he would grip her cheeks and make her cry, she loved it. She loved his subtleness and gentle touch, and even more than that she loved his aggressive side. Christy didn’t want Jason to know though, because then if he knows he might try to use it to his advantage in some way, it would be better to keep him oblivious right now, but Christy figured that Jason maybe had a clue. He would have to. Why else would Christy agree to marry him? Why else would they be together? Jason has a very powerful effect on her, and maybe he knows or maybe he doesn’t. But one thing is certain, he doesn’t know the magnitude of it. 

Did you like the chicken and the rice that I cooked for you today?” Christy asked Jason. 

Jason paused and didn’t say anything for a few seconds. “Are you trying to be funny?” Jason asked her. 

Christy gave a big smile and laughed lightly. “What boy? I was just asking.”  

Ask me again.” Jason said to her. 

Did… you… like the… chicken… and… rice… that I… made… for you… daddy?” She said. 

She’s learning.” Jason thought to himself. Slowly but surely.  

Jason reclined his head on his pillow and closed his eyes.

I hated it, it was disgusting, it made me want to throw up, it tasted like dog feces.” Jason calmly said to her. 

Christy opened her mouth in shock and amazement. “That is so rude Jason! That’s not nice at all.” Christy said to Jason. 

Oh… well…” Jason said.  

I never said that I was a nice person.” He added. 

Christy began laughing out loud, Jason laughed along with her. A text then appeared on his phone. He removed it from his ears and looked at it. The text message was from Joe. It read: “I got you”. 

Jason had asked Joe to give him another dime bag tomorrow, and Joe just replied and told him that he was going to. The reason why he wanted the dime bag was because he planned to go over Christy’s house again tomorrow. He liked being with her. He liked being inside her. It was a good feeling, and even a better feeling was being inside her while high. Today was amazing. He spent so much time with her, he wanted to do it again the next day, the next day, and the one after that. 

I’m coming over tomorrow after school.” Jason said to Christy over the phone. 

Umm… boy, no you’re not.” Christy said to me. I was telling her that I was going to come over her house tomorrow after school, she blatantly told me no that I wasn’t. I found that to be very strange and peculiar, why is it that she believed that I was not going to go to her house tomorrow after school even after I just foretold her of what I was going to do and my actions? My curiosity got the best of me, I decided to delve further into the topic. 

Why ain’t I?” I asked Christy. 

Christy smacked her lips loud. “Because Jason…” She said. 

Because what?” I asked her. 

There was a long pause. Christy then sighed out loud and gave a short snicker. I don’t know whether she was snickering at me or herself? 

Whatever, I thought to myself. Can’t be focusing on that now. No use in worrying about it if I can’t change or alter it in any way, 

Jason…I…” She began to say and then she stopped. 

I never liked to be kept in suspense about something, nor did I like being ignorant about a natter that related to me.

I gave her a curious look and lifted one eyebrow up. “You…. what?” I asked her.

Christy then began to spread her legs and both her arms across the mattress. She lifted her arms up and gave a wide stretch, and then she gave a loud and slow sigh. Her arms returned back to her body and she tucked both of her hands under her T-Shirt and began to run her fingers down her belly button. She bit her bottom lip, then she continued sighing, now her sighs were combined with heavy breathing. Slow heavy breathings. Each breath increased in volume as her fingers ran down her stomach, now they were on her legs.

“You want me to do something?” I said to her. By the way that she kept breathing slowly and loudly, I wanted to know whether or not if she wanted me to do something for her. She didn’t respond, she only kept breathing, slowly breathing.

Christy’s fingers were now on her inner thighs. They were now brushing the surface of…

“Yeah, I want you to do something.” She slowly said while still breathing deeply.

I could tell by the way her breathing pattern was and how slow she was talking; I knew that she wanted to take this conversation elsewhere.

“Yo… Christy, control… yourself.” I said to her.

“What are you talking about?” She asked me.

I ignored her question, “That’s another one of your habits that I don’t like and needs to be rectified. There’s a time and place for everything Christy, at certain times and places it’s just not appropriate for…certain… things.” Jason said to her.

Christy began to smile and laugh. She now bought her fingers outside of her shirt and up to her mouth, she wrapped her tongue around her index finger. She then smiled and began to chuckle over the phone.

“I’m sowwy daddy. I just want you now.” She said while biting her bottom lip.

Jason didn’t respond to her, he remained quiet for a few seconds.

“If you don’t control yourself I’m gonna hang up and go to sleep.” He said to her.

“Ugh, fine BOY!” She said.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. I’m daddy!” I said.

“Whatever.” Christy said as she rolled her eyes.

There was a short pause on the line.

“I can’t wait till I come over your house tomorrow.” I finally said to her.

Christy smacked her lips. “And why can’t you? It’s not like we’re gonna be doing anything.”

Jason smiled a bit, as Jerry’s face appeared in his head.

“Bae I’ma eat your butt tomorrow when I come over.” Jason said to her.

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