Jason collapsed and fell in between Christy’s chest. She was on her hands and knees with her back arched. When she knew that Jason was going to let off inside of her she turned around and told him not to do it. He still did it though, he then fell face first on her chest afterwards.
Christy caught his head and began to rub his ear. She was breathing hard, and Jason was breathing hard while he was sleeping. “It” was still inside her and she could still feel a little bit oozing into her. She continued to rub his head and his ears. She opened her legs more and she let the rest ooze into her.
Sweat was dripping from her forehead and she could feel Jason’s sweaty cheeks as she rubbed her hands on his face. She was just going to have to take those pills that Roxanne gave her.
She came to her house and gave it to her yesterday before she went to school. Christy wasn’t going to school that day, but Roxanne was.
“Christy just tell him to not come inside you.” Roxanne said as she went in her bag to pull out the pills.
Christy laughed. “Girl, I do! But he do not be listening.” She said.
Roxanne gave a light smirk and began to shake her head from side to side, she then pulled the medicine tablet from out of her Calvin Klein Handbag and handed it to her.
“You gotta eat first before you take them, you had your period already?” Roxanne said to Christy as she handed her the bottle of medicine.
Roxanne was telling Christy that she had to eat first before she takes the pills, Christy guessed that the pills might have some sort of side effect on her appetite. And she was asking Christy if she had her monthly menses cycle already.
Christy took the medicine bottle and held on to it. “Yeah, why?” She asked Roxanne.
“Okay good, cause if you didn’t have it yet it can stop it, but that’ll only happen for like the first 2-3 months when you begin taking it.” She said as she began to get up from where she was seated on the couch.
Christy got up with her and began to walk her friend to the front door.
“So what you gon be doing all day?” Roxanne asked Christy as they both walked to the front door.
“Just wait here in the house until he gets out school.” She said.
“I still can’t believe he asked you to marry him!” Roxane exclaimed.
“You don’t think he’s just trying to get some ass and then dip?” Roxanne asked.
She was saying that she still could not believe that Jason asked her to marry him, and she was asking her whether Jason’s feelings for her was sincere. Most boys around her age just wanted to get one thing, and once they get it than they’ll be on their way.
“No, girl the way that he sounded on the phone, when he told me he loved me, I could tell he wasn’t lying.” She replied to her as she put her hand on the doorknob and began to turn.
Roxanne was dubious and skeptical, she didn’t trust Jason. She didn’t really trust any boy. Too many experiences that she’s had in the past, in which the boy would just have sex with her and then he would never talk to her again. She was only 14 and already she had to get four abortions. Her and Christy had been friends since early elementary school, she truly cared for her friend and she didn’t want her to get hurt.
“You want me to get you some water?” Christy asked Roxanne.
“Naw it’s okay, I’ll just get some at school. Is he coming to school today?” She asked him.
“Yeah that’s what he told me.” She said.
“Bree said that she saw him yesterday on the train tracks smoking with Abdul.” She said.
Bree was Roxanne’s older sister, her name was “Brianna” but everybody just called her Bree. She was 3 years older than Roxanne, she was in 11th grade in high-school.
“And him, Hairy Jerry and Stinky Joe be hanging out smoking together and whatnot. Girl you need to warn him about his friends and smoking, something bad can really happen to him.” She said to her as she walked out the door and stepped outside.
“Yeah I know, I’m definitely going to talk to him about that when he comes over today.” Christy said to her friend.
“Okay girl call me later on tonight and tell me what happened.” She said. Then she hugged her friend and closed the door.
Christy pulled Jason closer to her chest as she held his head and continued to rub it. She loved having Jason close, she loved rubbing his face and his head.
“Boy you better not ever leave me.” She whispered in his ears as he slept.
She laid there for a few seconds with her husband, as she rubbed his head. Then she gently moved his head to the side and off her chest and laid it on the pillow. She then grabbed the huge white blanket that was laying on her bed and spread it over his body. She watched her husband sleep for a few seconds, she then gave him a light kiss on the cheek and then got off the bed and began walking to the bathroom.
Christy was already naked, so she didn’t have to take off any of her clothes when she was getting ready to go in the shower. She turned on the medium hot water on the shower head and she stepped in and closed the curtains.
She let the warm water soak her head and run down her entire body. She then grabbed the bar of soap that was hanging on the shower head. “Irish Spring”, her favorite kind. She began to rub her head and her face with the bar of soap as the water continued to pour on her. Afterwards, she took the bar of soap and started rubbing her legs with it and she also rubbed the crevice that was between her legs. It was stained with blood. She rubbed it with the soap until all of it disappeared completely. She then rubbed her hair with some more soap and she took the Dove Shampoo that was also hanging on the shower head and she applied some on her head and began rubbing.
When she was finished, she turned off the water and stepped out. Then she grabbed a towel that was hanging from a silver towel rack, she began wiping the towel over her body. First she wiped her hair, which was now curly, then she began wiping her chest and her arms. When she was done, she wrapped the towel around her waist and walked out.
The bathroom was in her room so as soon as she stepped out she saw Jason lying down on the bed, he was still sleeping as the white blanket was over his body. Christy went to her closet and pulled out a black legging pants and she pulled out a bra strap with a long-sleeve green velvet shirt and placed them all on the bed.
She then went and turned the lights on. She saw the bottle of Baby Oil that was on her dresser top, she thought about getting it but then she decided not to. As soon as Jason wakes up they were both going to take a shower together, and she didn’t want to put on Baby Oil and then have to put it on all over again later.
She then walked over to the bed and began putting her clothes on. First she began with the black leggings. She noticed that she had not gotten any underwear, she thought about getting some and then chose not to. She knew that it was just going to get soaked and wet again and she would have to get another one, the same situation with the Baby Oil applied for the underwear. Christy put on the long black legging pants and the green velvet shirt that was laying on the bed, and she walked over to the corner of the room to turn off the light. Then, she walked to the bed and slid under the covers, and she placed her hands on Jason’s cheek and stared at his closed eyes as he slept.
The sun beamed on Jason’s forehead as him, Joe, and Jerry rode on top of their camels traversing through the Sahara Desert. It was a bright day, in the afternoon. Jason was dressed in his all black Nike sweat suit with slippers on, and he was wearing a cowboy hat. Jerry was dressed in a clown outfit, he had a rainbow wig on, with a tomato for a nose and a bunch of paint was on his face. Joe was dressed regular in his black jeans and black button up shirt. The only thing that was strange about him… was his height. He was much shorter. A couple feet shorter, he looked like a leprechaun even. He spoke with a high pitch in his voice.
“Keep it a bean bro, you look like a dark skin Tony Parker.” Joe turned his head to the side and said to Jerry.
Jerry burst out in laughter. His tomato for a nose began to deflate and inflate every time that he laughed.
“And what you look like?” Jerry said to Joe.
“BRO I LOOK LIKE YOUR DAD!” Joe said aloud.
“Bro your dad ugly, he look like my dad.” Joe said to Jerry.
Jerry erupted in laughter and almost fell down his camel as he gripped his stomach and continued to laugh.
I started laughing also, that was mad funny, I thought to myself.
As we continued to traverse through the Sahara Desert on our camel, I turned my head to the left and I looked in Jerry’s direction.
“Bro, can I ask you a question?” I asked my friend.
Jerry continued to look forward. “Shoot bro.”
“Where are we going?” I asked.
Jerry shrugged his shoulder. “Don’t know bro, just following you.” He said to me as he continued to look forward.
I looked around and analyzed our position in the dessert and how all three of us were riding on the camels.
“Bro, but we’re adjacent.” I said.
Jerry shrugged his shoulders again and continued to look forward, he had a blank expression on his face. A tall large coconut tree appeared in the middle of the desert as we were riding. The camels began to head to it. They halted when they reached to it. All three of us stepped down the camels and we sat down under the coconut tree and reclined on its’ trunk.
Joe then pulled out a dime bag and a blunt wrap from his pockets and he began to roll.
“You saw Miss Liz butt in that Starlit video? That jawn was fat right?” Joe said to Jerry as he continued to roll.
Jerry scoffed. “Yeah that jawn fat, but it’s fake!”
I’m surprised that Jerry responded. He was actually able to hear Joe when he spoke, his voice was so low that it was barely audible, I couldn’t understand a word that was coming out of his mouth.
Joe finished rolling up the blunt and he sparked it up and began smoking.
“How you know?” He asked Jerry as he passed him the blunt.
“You can tell that jawn fake by the way it jiggles, it’s mad stagnant when it moves bro.” Jerry said to Joe as he took one hit of the blunt.
“Shut up bro, you sound dumb.” Joe said to Jerry.
“Bro I know what I’m talking about, I have factual evidences to back up my thesis!” Jerry said.
I began to laugh. Both Joe and Jerry looked and sounded ridiculous, sitting over there talking about the authenticity of Miss Lizz’s butt. Jerry then handed me the blunt. I grabbed it from him, I took a hit and closed my eyes. When I opened them it suddenly became darker, it was no longer a sunny day, dark clouds formed overhead and tiny bits of raindrop began to fall down. I took a big hit of the blunt, I inhaled deeply and stared at the blunt as I held it in my hands.
“I love you.” I said to it.
John immediately appeared in front of me. He wasn’t hovering, he was just standing, looking at me, and smiling. I stared at him back, but I didn’t smile.
Jerry grabbed his black duffle bag that was laying next to him. He reached in it and pulled out a golden flask. He opened up the flask and took a huge swig down. Immediately, it now began raining hard, now there were loud thunderstorms and the winds grew more fierce.
He handed the flask to Joe. He accepted it. Took a swig down, wiped his mouth with the back of his hands, and then he handed me the flask. I declined.
“I’m chilling bruh.” I said to him as I held up my hands.
Joe then gave the golden flask back to Jerry, he opened it up and took another swig down. The clouds disappeared from the sky now, it was now just all white. Then it began snowing. Snow began slowly falling from the cloudless sky. I found that to be very strange. The temperature wasn’t cold, we were still in the Sahara Desert, and the temperature was really warm. Yet, it was snowing.
A figure then appeared next to the coconut tree under the rain. It was a man, he was wearing an all white shirt, with green camouflage shorts. He began walking towards us. He took slow steps, but he approached us fast. As he came closer, I stared at his face, all I could see was blur. I couldn’t make out who he was. I quickly turned my head to my friends to ask them who that strange man was. They both had their head up as they were looking at the man in the white shirt approaching us. The eyeballs in their eyes were all gone. In their sockets all that it displayed was a black hole, it was completely black.
The man had now reached us and he stopped. Joe and Jerry both continued to look at him with the black sockets in their eyes.
“YOU’RE A HECK OF A BASKETBALL PLAYER BRO!” Joe said out loud in his high pitch and squeaky voice.
As I continued to look around I noticed something else too, John was no longer there standing. As I turned my head left and right quickly in search for him, I was able to spot him. He was quickly running in the opposite direction. He was no longer smiling. Now he had fear in his eyes and was screaming, but no sound was coming out though. The rain then picked up pace and begin to fall harder. The rain fell on John as he was running. His entire body began to disintegrate, until he was completely gone. The strange man in the white was now standing over Jason as he was reclining on the trunk of the tree. He then took the blunt that Jason had in his hands, he threw it away to the side. Then he handed Jason another blunt. Jason grabbed it and took a hit.
The first thing that Jason saw was Christy’s eyes. She was laying down on the pillow next to him, and she had her hand on his cheek.
“How did you sleep baby?” She softly asked him.
Jason gazed into the eyes of his wife, she was so beautiful. He slowly reached with his hand and began rubbing her cheeks.
“I miss you.” He said quietly.
Christy paused for a moment and didn’t say anything, she just continued to gaze on his countenance.
Jason then reached and grabbed her hands and pulled it up to his lips and kissed it. He then kissed Christy on the forehead.
“You’re my baby and I’m always going to be here for you okay?” Jason said.
Christy nodded her head up and down as she continued to look at Jason in his eyes, she remained quiet and didn’t say anything.
“I love you so much and you’re my everything baby.” He said.
“I love you too daddy.” Christy whispered to him,
“Bae can I tell you something?” Jason asked his wife.
“Yeah you can tell me bae.” She replied.
“It’s about today at Rita’s, I really didn’t like it when that man was staring at you like that.” He said.
“I don’t want anybody to stare at my wife, you’re mines and only mines okay.” Jason said to her as he continued to rub her cheeks.
“Baee I’m always gon be yours, just because people stare is not ever gonna change that.” She said.
She reached in with her head and slowly gave Jason a kiss on his lips, then she slowly withdrew her head back.
“Bae… can I ask you something?” Jason said.
“Ask me anything bae.” She replied.
Jason paused and stared at her for a few seconds. “Can you please make me another roast beef sandwich?” He asked.