


Prophet Jesus
Please note: This is in fact a picture of Prophet Jesus(PBUH). Though it may be a fine photograph, photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living, animate beings, like people, animals, birds etc... the ruling is that it is forbidden on a basis of a number of reports.

Prophet Jesus(PBUH)
  • At the time he was born the land was occupied by the Romans
  • The Roman of course were Pagans
  • And then you had the Jews who were really secularist, by the standards of that day
  • Even to the extent that Herod The King; was nothing really except a Roman puppet
  • He was a king, he was the king of Israel
  • But he was just a puppet of The Romans
  • The Jews, they rejected the message of Jesus
  • And a very small group believed in him
  • And these were The Disciples, the rest of the community
  • Whether it was the community itself, which were the Jews. or the authority which were the Romans
  • They rejected the message of Eesa (AS)

  • His evnvironment was very very difficult
  • And he went through firmly severe situations
  • In the short time that he spent in Dawah and he was accused of many things
  • The problem is that he was accused with things that are very very difficult for a human being to accept
  • They accused his mother, and they accused him
  • And the accusations that the Jews raised again Eesa AS, all of this was a test for the Sabr;
  • And the patience of Eesa AS

  • Allah(Swt) says...
  • that The Angels came to Maryam
  • and delivered to her the news that she has been chosen by Allah
  • and Allah(SWT) has purified you
  • and Allah(SWT) has chosen you above all the women in the world [03:42]
  • and then The Angels are conveying to her the orders of Allah(SWT)
  • O Mary; Submit yourself with obedience to your Lord,
  • and prostrate to yourself and bow down; With the ones who bow down [03:43]
  • Maryam, when she withdrew in seclusion from her family to a place facing east [19:16]
  • Maryam was currently living in Bayt-Al-Maqdis from Jerusalem
  • she went outside towards the East
  • and she took in seclusion from them a screen
  • then we sent to her one of our Angels
  • and he represented himself to her as a well proportioned man [19:17]
  • She said: "Indeed I seek refuge in the most merciful from you, if you should be fearing God" 19:18
  • and he The Angel said: I am only the Messenger of your Lord, to give you news of a pure boy [19:19]
  • and she says: How can I have a boy while no man has touched me?
  • and I have not been unchaste [19:20]
  • He said: Thus it will be; your Lord says: "It is easy for me"
  • We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from us
  • and it is a matter decreed 19:21
  • So the Angel Jibril is telling her; This is something that you cannot argue with
  • The Angel Jibril; He came to Maryam and he blew in to her
  • And Eesa was created by the Kalima; The word, and that is 'Kun'; 'Kun Fayakun',
  • That is how Eesa was created; So she became pregnant
  • and she withdrew with him to a far place: Bethlehem
  • and it seems that her pregnanct was concealed and nobody knew about it
  • and when she felt that her delivery was approaching, she left Jerusalem
  • She started feeling the pain of delivey, so she fell down under a palm tree
  • Imagine this situation, Maryam AS has been hiding this pregnancy
  • and now she's leaving out of her town, alone with no help
  • and now she's feeling that pain, and she falls down under a palm tree
  • It was so difficult on her
  • She said: Would that I had died before this, and had been forgotten out of sight [19:23]
  • I wish I had died before this, she was chaste and righteous
  • and now she is going to deliver a child and she has never been married
  • and she knows the tongues of the people
  • and she knows the harm that they would cause her and her family
  • the righteous family of Al-Imran
  • In that moment of difficulty Allah(SWT) provided her with Sakinah;

  • Allah (SWT) says; she heard a voice from beneath her
  • do not grieve, your Lord has provided a water stream under you [19:24]
  • and shake the trunk of the date palm towards you, and it will let fresh ripe dates fall upon you [19:25]
  • so eat and drink and be glad
  • and if you see from among humanity anyone say:
  • indeed I have vowed to the most merciful abstention
  • so I will not speak to any man today [19:26]
  • then she brought him to her people; Carrying him and they said:
  • O Mary you have certainly done a thing unprecedented [19:27]
  • O sister of Aaron; Your father was not a man of evil
  • nor was your mother unchaste [19:28]
  • so she pointed to the baby Jesus; She points to Eesa(AS)
  • speak to who? To a baby,
  • This baby can't even move a finger, how is he going to speak?
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