Please note: This is in fact a picture of Prophet Jesus(PBUH).
Though it may be a fine photograph, photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living,
animate beings, like people, animals, birds etc... the ruling is that it is forbidden
on a basis of a number of reports.
Prophet Jesus(PBUH)
how are we going to speak to a child that's still in the cradle? [19:29]
are you making fun of us?
and then the great miracle takes place
in which Allah(SWT) will make this child that's only a few days old
to speak and say: Indeed, I am the servant of God
Indeed I am the servant of God; Abdullah
And He has given me the scripture and made me a Prophet [19:30]
And He has made me blessed wherever I am
And has enjoined upon me Prayer and Zakath
(Zakath means giving) "As long as I remain alive [19:31]
" and made me dutiful to my mother"
And he has not made me a wretched tyrant [19:32]
And peace be on me on the day I was born
And the day I will die and the day I am raised alive [19:15]
That is Jesus, the son of Mary
The word of truth about which they are in dispute [19:34]
It is not befitting for God, to take a son
exalted is He; When he decrees an affair...
He only says to it: Be and it is [19:35]
and Jesus said: And indeed God is my Lord and your Lord
So worship Him; That is a straight path [19:36]
Then the factions differed from among them
So woe to those who disbelieved
From the scene of a tremendous day [19:37]
How clearly they will hear and see the day they come to us
But the wrong doers today are in clear error [19:38]
And warn them O Muhammad of The Day of Regret
When the matter will be concluded
And they are in a state of heedlessness
And they do not believe [19:39]
Indeed it is we who will inherit the Earth and whatever is on it
And to Us they will be returned [19:40]
Eesa(AS) grew up with the guardianship and care of his mother
of course no father, a mother that had passion and care for her son
knowing the destiny of her son, and Eesa grew up in Bayt Laham(Bethlehelm)
and after the day that he spoke, when he was only few days old
Eesa never spoke again until he grew up
like every other child grows up and starts to speak
in the age that every other child speaks
and his mother, she was so cautious on Eesa (AS)
from the envy of Bani Isra'il, especially the leader of Bani Isra'il
and when Eesa grew up and became a mature child
and the news start to come out about Eesa
and the miracle that happened on the hands of Eesa
and many of the leaders, especially the religious leaders of Bani Isra'il...
did not accept that tension to be taken away from them
to go to a child or a mother
so she used to take him away from the city many times
until she went to Jerusalem, and she settled in Jerusalem with Eesa(AS)
at a young age Allah(SWT) had granted Eesa the wisdom and the knowledge
as He did grant Yahya(AS), his cousin from before
and when Eesa(AS) reached the age of thirty
Allah(SWT) revealed to him Al-Injil, the Bible
and a Messenger to the children of Israel
I have came to confirm the law of The Torah
Dot by dot, jot by jot, letter by letter
In the Bible of today, Eesa said:
I have came to confirm the law of The Torah
and then Paul comes up and says "You do not have to follow the law"
"You do not have to keep up with the law of The Torah"
"In fact you have to leave it behind because that's not the religion"
and they follow Paul and they leave the word of Eesa;
which is in the bible of today
and that's why the true founder of Christianity of today is Paul
and it's not Eesa, this is not the religion of Eesa Ibn Maryam (AS)