Please note: This is in fact a picture of Prophet Jesus(PBUH).
Though it may be a fine photograph, photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living,
animate beings, like people, animals, birds etc... the ruling is that it is forbidden
on a basis of a number of reports.
Prophet Jesus(PBUH)
But the influence of Eesa (AS) is not lost; The influence of Eesa is on us
We are the inheritors of the message of Eesa Ibn Maryam
Allah (SWT) not only appeared on the hands of Eesa (AS);
The knowledge and the wisdom and the understanding
Allah (SWT) start to appear miracles on the hands of Eesa (AS)
Eesa Ibn Maryam would bring some clay;
Mould it into the shape of a bird,
He would breathe into it and the bird will be alive
He would put his hand on the blind and he would see
He would put his hand on the person who will not speak; He would speak
He would put his hand on the dead; The dead would wake up alive
And this was Bi'idhnillah; He says; By the will of Allaah
See the amazing miracles Allah (SWT) was giving Eesa Ibn Maryam
And I inform you of what you eat
And I tell you what you're hiding in your homes;
People in the time of Eesa used to be in to the field of medicine and healing
So Allah (SWT) gave Eesa miracles to challenge them in what they do best
And they are not going to be able to bring similar miracles
Not only in their time but until the Day of Judgement
Therein is a sign for you if you believe [03:49],
Subhanallah with all of these unbelievable
Subhanallah amazing miracles
Nevertheless Bani Isra'il did not believe
On the contrary the religious leaders from Bani Isra'il start to
preach against Eesa and make rumors on Eesa (AS)
To turn people away from Eesa
When Eesa start to see the Kufr; The disobedience and the disbelief
Of his people toward him he said: Who are those supporters to me?
Who are the supporters; Who are my gospels; Who will stand by me?
The Disciples said: We are the supporters and the helpers of Allah
How many of them? Some narrations says seventeen,
The most authentic narrations says there were twelve
Who stood by Eesa (AS) and they were his students AS
But those twelve disciples; they had some doubts,
Allah (SWT) says: Remember when The Disciples said: O Eesa...
Can your Lord send down to us a table spread with food from heaven?
They did come to Eesa and they asked for a miracle
Sayyidina Eesa (AS) said: 'Ittaqullah'; Fear Allah (SWT) [05:112]
Why are you asking me to do so? They gave their justifications
They said: We wish to eat thereof and to satisfy our hearts
And to know that you have indeed told us the truth,
And that we ourselves be its witnesses [05:113]
They convinced Eesa (AS) with the validity of their request
Jesus: Son of Mary said: O Allah; our Lord
Send us from the heaven a table spread with food
Maybe for us a festival for the first and the last of us
Provie for us sustenance; You are the best of sustainers [05:114]
Allah said: I am going to send it down unto you; I will send it down,
But if any of you after that disbelieves;
Then I will punish him with a torment;
Such as I have not inflicted on anyone among all the worlds [05:115]
Now the news start to come out
Allah (SWT) sent this miracle on the hands of Eesa (AS)