Please note: This is in fact a picture of Prophet Jesus(PBUH).
Though it may be a fine photograph, photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living,
animate beings, like people, animals, birds etc... the ruling is that it is forbidden
on a basis of a number of reports.
Prophet Jesus(PBUH)
More and more people following Eesa(AS)
This is becoming a big problem now
Many of the religious leaders are losing customers
And the more Eesa is calling is the more people are following Eesa
And these people that were with them one day
They are turning against them
There's gotta be some solution so they planned and plotted,
And the only solution is to vanish Eesa; What did they do?
The Jews plotted against Eesa with the government
To assasinate and get rid of Sayyidina Eesa
And the Roman authorities joined with the Jews in that conspiracy
And the decree was issued that Sayyidina Eesa (AS);
Should be executed in public by carrying him over the cross
And putting a crown over his head
Not a crown of gold and sliver, but thorns
And to nail him to the cross and let him bleed till death
And that was a very gruesome way of execution that they used to do
They would make a cross out of wood
And then they would nail the hands and the feet to the cross
They would hit nails in the hand and hang you on the cross
And you would bleed from this injury
From your feet and your hands until you die
And you can stay for hours and hours in the sun
On the cross dying a very slow death
It was a very gruesome way of execution
So the law has been decreed
Decreed that Sayyidina Eesa (AS) should be executed
And Allah (SWT) informed His Messenger Eesa (AS) of what's happening,
And the most authentic narration in that regard has been narrated by Ibn Abbas;
Eesa (AS) came out to His Disciples and there were twelve of them
He came out from his house and his hair was dripping water,
And then he said: Which one of you is willing to look like me?
He will be with me in the same level in paradise
One of the young Disciple raised up his hand and said "I will"
Eesa (AS) asked another time; He's the only one who responded
He asked for a third time, that young man was the only one who responded
This young man came out, and Allah (SWt) put on him the resembelance of
Eesa(AS) and he was the one who was crucified
Allah (SWT) opened for Sayyidina Eesa a window in the roof
And he was picked up by the Angels safely and elevated to the heavens;
And they disbelievers plotted to kill Eesa
And Allah plotted too, and Allah is the best of those who plot [03:54]
Allah SWT said: O Essa I will take you without any single injury
And I will elevate you to me and I will purify you. (I am confused about this verse. I am not denying just confused.
My question is: It is Kufr to liken Allah to the creation. So wouldn't it be Kufr to say "I will elevate you to me"? Considering that Allaah does not exist in
any of the six directions? Please help clarify this verse for me. My email is
And clear you of those who disbelieve [03:55]
And because of their saying in boast: We killed Messiah;
Allah (SWT) says: But they killed him not nor crucified him
But the resembelance of Eesa was put over another man