Please note:
Though this may be a fine photograph, photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living,
animate beings, like people, animals, birds etc... the ruling is that it is forbidden
on a basis of a number of reports.
Prophet Ismail(PBUH)
When his(Ibrahim's) wife Sarah(PBUH) felt for him,
being such a good man who always made Dua
Ya Allah, grant me offspring who will be pure, who will serve your cause
Offspring who will surrender to you just like I have
So his wife decided to give him the servant that she had had in marriage
And Allah SWT decided then to bless IbrahimAS
with a child; Ismail AS
So after Allah SWT blessed him with a child, he was instructed
after some time
To take this wife of his and the child and to move on the Earth
Until he got to a certain place which was completely barren, it
had nothing on it, it was just soil, and it was a very very hot place
And Allah SWT described it.. and that isw the Valley of Makkah
When he got to Makkatul Mukarrama, Allah SWT told him: Leave this women and the child,
and go!
And he started walking
He(Isma'il) was breasted for a while and then the food ran out
and everything dried up Subhan'Allah
And the mother is looking at the child, and she says: No, I must make an effort
to try and look for some food
So she decided to go up the hollock, the Mount Safa
She went up the mountain and she's looking.. is there any sign? No sign,
no life, no movement, no nothing
So she came down making Du'a to Allah and when she gets to the bottom,
she's running. Why is she running at the bottom?
Because she wants to get to the top of the other mountain on
the other side
And she doesn't want to miss anyone who might pass whilst she's at the
So she runs at a specific place and then she climbs up,
she is in Marwa
She makes Du'a again for sustenance; Ya Allah, send us some goodness,
ya Allah, you are the one.. we know you will not let us down
And a couple of times she ran up and down, and down and up, Allahu Akbar
Making Du'a, looking, checking, then she heard a sound and she's looking, what
sound is this?
And she came down and she looked at where the child was,
and there was a spring of water gushing from nowhere
Subhan Allah
A spring of water gushing from nowhere, she looked at it
and she thanked Allah SWT
She sat down and she wanted to gather the water,
so she created a basin like structure
Small little basin like structure with her hands
with the muddy sand that now became like clay and mud because it was wet
So she began to say in the language: Zam Zam Zam Zam,
it means stop, stop, stop, stop
Because we want to now take you and drink you,
so you stop
To this day we have this water known as Zam Zam from
the same well
After some time, the birds began to come,
when the birds began to come and they were drinking from there
In the middle of the desert, the middle of the desert,
no life was there
And caravans used to pass, and in the heat of the moment
they're looking for birds
Why are they looking for birds?
Not to hunt the birds, but wherever you see a bird
you know there is some water near by
So the clan of Jurhum was passing from that area and they
noticed some birds in the middle of nowhere. They were
not expecting them
So they decided to check up on what's happening, and they
sent someone. Go and see where these birds are flying to
So the birds had gone and they were sitting
around this well nand the water was gushing
They were drinking and this messenger finds a woman
with a little baby
So he went back to his people, the people of Jurhum, the caravan
and he explained to them
They were very very amazed. They came, they knew this is a miracle
so they asked the woman
Do you mind if we live here? Why, becauses there's water running from here, it's
That doesn't happen in that particular desert. Doesn't happen. Water
gushing from underneath
From that she realized these people have good character,
they are disciplined people, they are cultured
So she said: Look you can come and stay here on condition, that
this water belongs to us, not to you
We will allow you to drink from it, but it's our property, not yours.
So you can drink and benefit
They stayed there, they were very very happy and
they loved the little child (Isma'il)
And as the child grew, they taught him Arabic,
they were pure Arabs, they taught him Arabic
They taught him manners and so on and as he grew up,
his father used to come and go
His father, IbrahimAS
when he came back at one stage he had seen
Masha'Allah! This is the set up and he was quite happy with it
and he used to come, and he used to go
And thereafter one day; As Ibrahim came
into Makkah and he was lying down, he had a dream
Where Ibrahim AS one night he will see himself slaughtering
his own son Isma'il