Prophet Nuh (AS)


Prophet Ibrahim
  • At the time of Nuh Alayhi Salam...
  • Nuh was the only Muslim, worshipping Allah Azawajal alone at that time
  • Everyone besides Nuh is a Mushrik, everyone besides Nuh
  • Associates someone else with Allah Azzawajal
  • And then Nuh Alayhi Salam came. Nuh... Who Idris is the father of the grandfather of Nuh
  • He has a very lofty level. You see, all the Messengers are not on the same level
  • Allah says in the Qur'an
  • Those Messengers... We have raised some above the others
  • Some of them we have spoken to... Allahu Akbar... And Allah has raised the levels
  • So there were five who were the highest. They were the most resolute
  • And they endured the most for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
  • Who were these five?
  • "And [mention, O Muhammad Saw], when we took from the Prophets their covenant and from you [Muhammad SAW] and from Noah and Abraham and Moses and Jesus, the son of Mary
    Surat Al-Ahzab 33:7
  • Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala makes mention of the five there
  • That we have taken the strong covenant from you (O Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam)
  • And from Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, And Esa(Jesus) son of Maryam
  • Allahu' Akbar... So those are the five that were the highest
  • And Nuh... It was revealed to him by Allah Azzawajal to call to Allah
  • He was a Prophet and he was a Messenger and he is from the top five Prophets and Messengers
  • Call to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala day and night!
  • In the open and closed, individually and groups
  • So everyone... Put so much effort into the Dawah
  • Nine hundred and fifty years Alayhi Salam called to Allah nonstop
  • Nine hundred and fifty years calling ti Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
  • O people! Say: La ilaha illallah! Calling to Allah during the day and night non stop
  • All this for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
  • It has been narrated that the maximum narration it says;
  • That the followers of Nuh in nine hundred fifty years did not exceed eighty people
  • Nine hundred and fifty years and Nuh only had eighty people
  • Eighty people...
  • For the call of nine hundred fifty years... 24/7 work, only gets eighty people
  • Some narration even say ten people
  • The maximum narration that has been narrated by the scholars...
  • Is eighty people... Nuh did not get more than eighty people
  • Nine hundred fifty years for eighty people?
    Nine hundred fifty years for eighty people?
  • They were from among the shepards, the poor, the farmers
  • The ones who had no fame, no popularity, no particular position, a lot of them were illiterate
  • They were nobody's in the eyes of people then
  • They were just nobody's... who are they? Take him as an example O brother
  • This is the Prophet... This is a Prophet, a Messenger of Allah Azzawajal
  • And nine hundred fifty years and accepted what Allah Azzawajal...
  • Had written for him for only eighty people to follow him
  • And this is an example for every Da'ee that when you call to Allah
  • Don't expect the whole world to follow you in one day and night
  • Remember Nuh... Nine hundred fifty years for eighty people
  • And this is a Prophet, this is a Messenger... Who Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala had chosen...
  • To be the best of people in this world and the best of people in the Hereafter
  • And accepted eighty followers, accepted eighty people to listen to him
  • Accepted eighty people to follow him, who were we compared to Nuh Alayhi Salam?
  • For this is a great lesson for every Da'ee who calls to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
  • It's not about the numbers and it's not about the results that you see...
  • It's about the duty that you perform
  • It's about the work that you do for Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
  • Nuh Alayhi Salam now came to them
  • And he said: What are you doing?
  • Allah says in the Quran...
  • We sent Nuh to his people... To warn them
  • We said to him: Oh Nuh, warn your people before a terrible torment comes to them
  • A painful punishment comes to them. So Allah is warning now. Gives you a chance
  • Allah says... And it's always very direct, Allah says...
  • And remember, we sent Nuh to his people. So he said to them... Directly...
  • O my people! Worship Allah alone, you have no deity besides Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
  • Nobody worthy of worship besides Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
  • So the first message of all the Messengers was calling towards Tawheed
  • Calling towards the Oneness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
  • Calling towards leaving the association of partnership with that maker and that creator
  • So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala sayss...
    He (Nuh) told his people...
  • I fear over you the punishment of that day (The Great Day), I fear that a punishment will overtake you
  • In another place it says; I fear that a very painful torment will overtake you
  • So they are listening to this man... He is saying worship One Allah
  • And I fear that punishment is overtaking you. They did not want to listen
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