Nuh was the only Muslim, worshipping Allah Azawajal alone at that time
Everyone besides Nuh is a Mushrik, everyone besides Nuh
Associates someone else with Allah Azzawajal
And then Nuh Alayhi Salam came. Nuh... Who Idris is the father of the grandfather
of Nuh
He has a very lofty level. You see, all the Messengers are not on the same level
Allah says in the Qur'an
Those Messengers... We have raised some above the others
Some of them we have spoken to... Allahu Akbar... And Allah has raised
the levels
So there were five who were the highest. They were the most
And they endured the most for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
Who were these five?
"And [mention, O Muhammad Saw], when we took from the Prophets their
covenant and from you [Muhammad SAW] and from Noah and Abraham and Moses
and Jesus, the son of Mary
Surat Al-Ahzab 33:7
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala makes mention of the five there
That we have taken the strong covenant from you (O Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam)
And from Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, And Esa(Jesus) son of Maryam
Allahu' Akbar... So those are the five that were the highest
And Nuh... It was revealed to him by Allah Azzawajal to call to Allah
He was a Prophet and he was a Messenger and he is from the top five
Prophets and Messengers
Call to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala day and night!
In the open and closed, individually and groups
So everyone... Put so much effort into the Dawah
Nine hundred and fifty years Alayhi Salam called to Allah nonstop
Nine hundred and fifty years calling ti Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
O people! Say: La ilaha illallah! Calling to Allah during the day
and night non stop
All this for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
It has been narrated that the maximum narration it says;
That the followers of Nuh in nine hundred fifty years did not exceed eighty people
Nine hundred and fifty years and Nuh only had eighty people
Eighty people...
For the call of nine hundred fifty years... 24/7 work, only gets eighty people
Some narration even say ten people
The maximum narration that has been narrated by the scholars...
Is eighty people... Nuh did not get more than eighty people
Nine hundred fifty years for eighty people?
Nine hundred fifty years for eighty people?
They were from among the shepards, the poor, the farmers
The ones who had no fame, no popularity, no particular position, a lot
of them were illiterate
They were nobody's in the eyes of people then
They were just nobody's... who are they? Take him as an example O brother
This is the Prophet... This is a Prophet, a Messenger of Allah Azzawajal
And nine hundred fifty years and accepted what Allah Azzawajal...
Had written for him for only eighty people to follow him
And this is an example for every Da'ee that when you call to Allah
Don't expect the whole world to follow you in one day and night
Remember Nuh... Nine hundred fifty years for eighty people
And this is a Prophet, this is a Messenger... Who Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala had chosen...
To be the best of people in this world and the best of people in the Hereafter
And accepted eighty followers, accepted eighty people to listen to him
Accepted eighty people to follow him, who were we compared to Nuh Alayhi Salam?
For this is a great lesson for every Da'ee who calls to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
It's not about the numbers and it's not about the results that you see...
It's about the duty that you perform
It's about the work that you do for Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
Nuh Alayhi Salam now came to them
And he said: What are you doing?
Allah says in the Quran...
We sent Nuh to his people... To warn them
We said to him: Oh Nuh, warn your people before a terrible torment comes to them
A painful punishment comes to them. So Allah is warning now. Gives you a chance
Allah says... And it's always very direct, Allah says...
And remember, we sent Nuh to his people. So he said to them... Directly...
O my people! Worship Allah alone, you have no deity besides Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
Nobody worthy of worship besides Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
So the first message of all the Messengers was calling towards Tawheed
Calling towards the Oneness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala
Calling towards leaving the association of partnership with that maker and that creator
So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala sayss...
He (Nuh) told his people...
I fear over you the punishment of that day (The Great Day), I fear that a punishment will overtake you
In another place it says; I fear that a very painful torment will overtake you
So they are listening to this man... He is saying worship One Allah
And I fear that punishment is overtaking you. They did not want to listen