Please note: Photography (tasweer) means the taking of pictures of living,
animate beings, like people, animals, birds etc... the ruling is that it is forbidden
on a basis of a number of reports.
Prophet Yusuf(PBUH)
And the drought did not only come to Egypt
But even the countries surrounding Egypt
And during that seven tough years;
The price of food jumped up to double and triple
And in Egypt the prices of food is still the same as they used to be before
And that drought hit Palestine, and who's living in Palestine?
His family. And how long has it been? Decades
Allah SWT says: And Yusuf's brethren came and they entered on to him
And he recognised them but they did not recognise him [12:58]
Yusuf used to give ration per head
So he would give every individual a camel loard
Ten brothers; So he gave them ten camel loads
And then he was talking to them; He told them:
How many brothers are you? They said: We are eleven
He said: Why didn't you bring the eleventh brother with you?
They said: He's with his father; He said: OK,
Next year you bring him with you and if you don't bring him with you
I'm not going to give you anything
They said: We shall try to get permission for him from his father
And verily we shall do it [12:61]
The brothers of Yusuf; They brought with them
Some merchandise to do trade
The merchandise that they brought was worthless
Sayyidina Yusuf AS said: Give them back what they brought
So that they will use it to come back next year [12:62]
Without them knowing; Why did Sayyidina Yusuf do that?
Yusuf was afraid that maybe they would go home
And they would have nothing left to bring with them next year
When they went back to their father
They said: O our father; No more measure of grain will be given to us
Unless we take our brother; So send our brother with us
And we shall get our measure and truly we will guard him [12:63]
Who was this brother? This was Binyamin
The brother of Yusuf from the same mother
Sayyidina Yaqub AS was protective of Binyamin just like he was with Yusuf
And he would not trust his brothers to take care of him
He said: Can I entrust him to you;
Except as I entrusted his brother Yusuf to you a foretime?
But Allah is the best to guard;
And He is the most merciful of those who show mercy [12:64]
And when they opened their bags they found their money had been
Returned to them; They said: O our father; What more can we desire?
This is our money; It has been returned to us
So we shall get more food for our family
And we shall guard our brother and add one more measure of a camels load
This quantity is easy for the king to give [12:65]
Now Yaqub is almost convinced but he said:
I'm not going to send him with you unless you promise me;
That you will not forsake him unless you are surrounded
And there's no way for you to survive
Don't come to me alive without Binyamin
So they gave him the promise
And when they had sworn their solemn oath;
He said: Allah is the witness over that which you said [12:66]
O my children; O my sons; Do not enter from one gate
Enter from different gates; People will envy you
So it doesn't become too obvious that you eleven are together
When the eleven of them came; Yusuf saw his brother,
His brother that he loved
And they were close together when they were young
And they were getting picked on by his other brothers
When Yusuf AS saw; He got so passionate about his brother;
Yusuf AS took Binyamin to the side without the brothers knowing
And he told him: Binyamin; Do you know who's speaking to you?
This is your brother Yusuf
He embraced his brother and hugged him and he told him:
Verily I am your brother so grieve not for what they used to do [12:69]
And then Sayyidina Yusuf made a plan,
Yusuf AS after he prepared and he gave each one of his brothers;
Enough stock that each one of them can have
He had a drinking cup
That golden cup which belongs to who? To the king
He told one of his employees to hide it in the camel of his brother Binyamin
And then Yusuf AS ordered another employee of his;
To call upon people and say: The cup or the golden cup of the king has been
stolen; Who stole it?
Who is the thief among you here and who was present? His brothers,
So what did they say? By Allah; You know we did not come to cause conflict,
We are honest people and we are not thiefs [12:73]
Yusuf said: Then how about if you guys turn out to be liars?
What's the punishment? [12:74] And the reason that Yusuf AS
asked them;
Yaqub's Shariah; Anyone that commits theft, their punishment is; Is to become
a slave
So Yusuf AS start to investigate and search
And at the end when he reached to his brother's [Binyamin's] camel;
He found the stolen property; It's your brother that stole
He; This man Binyamin; He is the one that stole this property
And what's his punishment? He's a slave; His brothers were shocked
Him? He had a brother like him; He stole before
Yusuf AS; When he was a young kid; He stole,
But what did he steal? His grandfather from his mother
Was worshipping an idol; So Yusuf AS stole the idol and broke it